Venn, Henry, 1796-1873See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Venn, Henry, 1796-1873 Memoir of the Rev. H. Venn: The Missionary Secretariat of Henry Venn, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Honorary Secretary of the Church Missionary Society (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1880), by W. Knight, contrib. by John Venn and Henry Venn (page images at HathiTrust) Memoir of Henry Venn, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Honorary Secretary of the Church Missionary Society (new edition, with portrait and appendix; London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1882), by W. Knight (multiple formats at
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Filed under: Church of England -- Clergy
Filed under: Church of England -- Clergy -- Biography Alumni Etonenses: or, A Catalogue of the Provosts and Fellows of Eton College and King's College, Cambridge, From the Foundation in 1443, to the Year 1797, With an Account of Their Lives and Preferments (Birmingham: Printed by T. Pearson, 1797), by Thomas Harwood (page images at HathiTrust) A Life of John Cosin, Bishop of Durham, 1660-1672 (London and Oxford: A.R. Mowbray and Co.; Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co., c1913), by Percy H. Osmond (multiple formats at Charles Simeon, by Max Warren (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) John Newton, by Albert William Parsons (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) Memoir of Henry Venn, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Honorary Secretary of the Church Missionary Society (new edition, with portrait and appendix; London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1882), by W. Knight (multiple formats at Memoir of the Rev. H. Venn: The Missionary Secretariat of Henry Venn, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Honorary Secretary of the Church Missionary Society (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1880), by W. Knight, contrib. by John Venn and Henry Venn (page images at HathiTrust) J. C. Ryle, by M. Guthrie Clark (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine)
Filed under: Church of England -- Bishops -- BiographyFiled under: Church of England -- Clergy -- Controversial literature The Life Beyond the Veil (4 volumes; 1921), by G. Vale Owen, ed. by Engholm. H. W. Filed under: Church of England -- Clergy -- Correspondence Letters and Correspondence of John Henry Newman During His Life in the English Church, With a Brief Autobiography (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1903), by John Henry Newman, ed. by Anne Mozley (HTML at Letters to Severall Persons of Honour (New York: Sturgis and Walton Co., 1910), by John Donne, ed. by Charles Edmund Merrill Writings of the Rev. John Bradford, by John Bradford (illustrated HTML at CCEL) The Writings of John Bradford, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge and Prebendary of St. Paul's, Martyr, 1555 (2 volumes; Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, 1848-1853), by John Bradford, ed. by Aubrey Townsend
Filed under: Church of England -- Bishops -- Correspondence The Correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Durham; Together With Other Papers Illustrative of His Life and Times (2 volumes; 1869-1872), by John Cosin, ed. by George Ornsby Filed under: Cosin, John, 1594-1672 -- Correspondence The Correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Durham; Together With Other Papers Illustrative of His Life and Times (2 volumes; 1869-1872), by John Cosin, ed. by George Ornsby Filed under: Church of England -- Clergy -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Anglican orders -- Early works to 1800 The Validity of the Orders of the Church of England: Made Out Against the Objections of the Papists, in Several Letters to a Gentleman of Norwich that Desired Satisfaction Therein (London: Printed by J. Richardson for B. Aylmer, 1688), by Humphrey Prideaux Filed under: Church of England -- Clergy -- Fiction The Cathedral, by Hugh Walpole (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: Bishops -- England -- Biography
Filed under: Bishops -- England -- Winchester -- BiographyFiled under: Bishops -- England -- Correspondence The Correspondence of John Cosin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Durham; Together With Other Papers Illustrative of His Life and Times (2 volumes; 1869-1872), by John Cosin, ed. by George Ornsby
Filed under: Bishops -- England -- Norwich -- Correspondence Epistolae Herberti de Losinga, Primi Episcopi Norwicensis, Osberti de Clara, et Elmeri, Prioris Canturaiensis (in Latin, with some English notes; Brussels, A. Vandale; London: D. Nutt, 1846), by Herbert de Losinga, Osbert de Clare, and Elmerus of Canterbury, ed. by Robert Anstruther (multiple formats at Google) Filed under: Bishops -- England -- FictionFiled under: Waynflete, William, 1395?-1486Filed under: Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626Filed under: Ryle, J. C. (John Charles), 1816-1900 J. C. Ryle, by M. Guthrie Clark (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) Filed under: Clergy -- England
Filed under: Clergy -- England -- Biography Charles Simeon, by Max Warren (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) J. C. Ryle, by M. Guthrie Clark (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) John Newton, by Albert William Parsons (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) The Nonconformist's Memorial: Being an Account of the Ministers, Who Were Ejected or Silenced After the Restoration, Particularly by the Act of Uniformity, Which Took Place on Bartholomew-Day, Aug. 24, 1662 (2 volumes; London: W. Harris, 1775), by Edmund Calamy, ed. by Samuel Palmer Memoir of Henry Venn, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Honorary Secretary of the Church Missionary Society (new edition, with portrait and appendix; London: Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1882), by W. Knight (multiple formats at Memoir of the Rev. H. Venn: The Missionary Secretariat of Henry Venn, B.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Honorary Secretary of the Church Missionary Society (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1880), by W. Knight, contrib. by John Venn and Henry Venn (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Cosin, John, 1594-1672Filed under: Newton, John, 1725-1807 The Works of the Rev. John Newton, Late Rector of the United Parishes of St. Mary Woolnoth, and St. Mary Woolchurch Haw, London; With Memoirs of the Author, and General Remarks on His Life, Connections, and Character (third edition, 6 volumes; London: Printed for Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1824), by John Newton, contrib. by Richard Cecil (page images at HathiTrust) John Newton, by Albert William Parsons (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine) John Newton of Olney and St. Mary Woolnoth: An Autobiography and Narrative, Compiled Chiefly From His Diary and Other Unpublished Documents, by John Newton and Josiah Bull (multiple formats at Filed under: Short, Augustus, 1802-1883Filed under: Simeon, Charles, 1759-1836 Charles Simeon, by Max Warren (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine)
Filed under: Church of England Modern Scepticism, by Christian Evidence Society (page images at MOA) The Remains of Thomas Cranmer, D.D. (4 volumes; Oxford: At the University Press, 1833), by Thomas Cranmer, ed. by Henry Jenkyns Tracts for the Times (with 90 tracts in 6 volumes, some not the first edition; 1834-1841), contrib. by John Henry Newman, John Keble, John William Bowden, Richard Hurrell Froude, Alfred Menzie, William Palmer, Benjamin Harrison, E. B. Pusey, Thomas Keble, A. P. Perceval, Charles Page Eden, R. F. Wilson, Antony Buller, Henry Edward Manning, Charles Marriott, and Isaac Williams The Writings of John Bradford, M.A., Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge and Prebendary of St. Paul's, Martyr, 1555 (2 volumes; Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, 1848-1853), by John Bradford, ed. by Aubrey Townsend Writings of the Rev. John Bradford, by John Bradford (illustrated HTML at CCEL) Select Works of John Bale, D.D., Bishop of Ossory: Containing the Examinations of Lord Cobham, William Thorpe, and Anne Askew, and The Image of Both Churches (Cambridge: Printed at the University press, 1849), by John Bale, ed. by Henry Christmas, contrib. by John Oldcastle, William Thorpe, and Anne Askew (multiple formats at
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