Wages -- Household employeesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower term:Used for:- Household employees -- Wages
- Wages -- Domestics
- Wages -- Servants
Filed under: Wages -- Household employees -- England -- London -- Early works to 1800
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Wages Wage-Labor and Capital (New York: New York Labor News Co., ca. 1946), by Karl Marx, trans. by Harriet E. Lothrop, contrib. by Friedrich Engels and Arnold Petersen (page images at HathiTrust) Wages and the Working Day (Chicago: C. H. Kerr and Co., 1946), by John Keracher (page images at HathiTrust) For a Cost-Plus Wage (New York: Workers Party, 1943), by Max Shachtman (multiple formats at archive.org) On Wages and Combination, by R. Torrens (HTML at McMaster) Value, Price and Profit, by Karl Marx, ed. by Eleanor Marx Aveling (HTML at marxists.org) Wage-Labor and Capital, by Karl Marx, ed. by Friedrich Engels (HTML at marxists.org) Wage-Labor and Capital (with "Free Trade"; New York: New York Labor News Co., 1902), by Karl Marx, trans. by Harriet E. Lothrop and Florence Kelley, contrib. by Friedrich Engels (multiple formats at archive.org) The Wages Question: A Treatise on Wages and the Wages Class (London: Macmillan and Co., 1888), by Francis Amasa Walker (HTML at econlib.org) The Rationale of Reward, by Jeremy Bentham (HTML at Texas)
Filed under: Wages -- AlabamaFiled under: Wages -- Australia
Filed under: Wages -- Australia -- HistoryFiled under: Wages -- Government policy -- Australia
Filed under: Wages -- California -- Los Angeles
Filed under: Wages -- Millinery workers -- New York (State) -- New York
Filed under: Wages -- Effect of education on -- United StatesFiled under: Wages -- EuropeFiled under: Wages -- Great Britain
Filed under: Wages -- Great Britain -- History
Filed under: Agricultural wages -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800Filed under: Equal pay for equal work -- Great Britain
Filed under: Wages -- Greece -- Athens -- History
Filed under: Merit pay -- Government policy -- United States Mom, Apple Pie, and Working for America: Accountability and Rewards for the Federal Workforce (Washington: GPO, 2006), by United State House Committee on Government Reform
Filed under: Wages -- Iron and steel workers -- United States
Filed under: Agricultural wages -- Law and legislation -- United States Migrant Workers and Minimum Wages: Regulating the Exploitation of Agricultural Labor in the United States (Boulder et al.: Westview Press, 1992), by Marc Linder Filed under: Equal pay for equal work -- Law and legislation -- United States
Filed under: Equal pay for equal work -- Law and legislation -- New York (State) -- New YorkFiled under: Minimum wage -- Law and legislation -- United States
Filed under: Minimum wage -- Law and legislation -- Colorado Colorado Minimum Wage and Labor Law for Women and Minors, Administered by Industrial Commission of Colorado: Passed by the Twenty-first General Assembly of the State of Colorado, 1917, Effective July 20th, 1917 (Denver: Eames Bros, State Printers, 1917), by Colorado Filed under: Overtime -- Law and legislation -- United States The Autocratically Flexible Workplace: A History of Overtime Regulation in the United States (Iowa City: Fanpihua Press, 2002), by Marc Linder
Filed under: Overtime -- Law and legislation -- United States -- History -- 20th century "Moments are the Elements of Profit": Overtime and the Deregulation of Working Hours Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (Iowa City: Fanpihua Press, 2000), by Marc Linder Filed under: Wages -- Transport workers -- Law and legislation -- United States
Filed under: Wages -- New York (State) -- New York
Filed under: Merit pay -- New York (State) -- New York
Filed under: Wages -- New York (State) -- Statistics -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Wages -- Statistics
Filed under: Wages -- United States -- Statistics -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Wages -- United StatesFiled under: Wages -- WomenFiled under: Equal pay for equal work Equal Pay for Equal Work: The Story of the Struggle for Justice Being Made by the Women Teachers of the City of New York (New York: B. F. Buck and Co., 1910), by Grace Charlotte Strachan Filed under: Minimum wageFiled under: TippingMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |