Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937 -- Travel -- MoroccoSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Wharton, Edith, 1862-1937 -- Travel -- Morocco
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Filed under: Morocco -- Bibliography Supplementary Papers (4 volumes; London: J. Murray, 1886-1893), by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) Filed under: Morocco -- Description and travel Agents et Voyageurs Français au Maroc, 1530-1660 (in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1911), by Henry Castries Au Coeur de l'Atlas: Mission au Maroc, 1904-1905 (in French; Paris: E. Larose, 1910), by René de Segonzac, contrib. by Eugène Étienne, Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey, and Louis Gentil In the Tail of the Peacock (London: Hutchinson and Co., 1903), by Isabel Savory Mogreb-el-Acksa: A Journey in Morocco (revised edition; London: Duckworth and Co., 1921), by R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Gutenberg text) Seventy-One Days' Camping in Morocco (London et al.: Longmans, Green and co., 1902), by Agnes Geraldine Grove (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Travels in Morocco, by James Richardson A Winter in Morocco (London: H.S. King, 1873), by Amelia Perrier In Morocco (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1920), by Edith Wharton (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) A Winter in Tangier and Home Through Spain (London: Hatchards, Piccadilly, 1882), by L. Howard-Vyse (page images at Google; US access only) Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life in Morocco, Spain and the Canary Islands, by Elizabeth Murray Filed under: Morocco -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Morocco -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Morocco -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Morocco -- Religion The Belief in Spirits in Morocco (Acta Academiae Aboensis, Humaniora 1:1; 1920), by Edward Westermarck Filed under: Morocco -- Social life and customsFiled under: Rabat (Morocco)Filed under: Salé (Morocco)Filed under: Anthropometry -- MoroccoFiled under: Arabic language -- Dialects -- MoroccoFiled under: Berbers -- MoroccoFiled under: Cairns -- MoroccoFiled under: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine), 1852-1936 -- Travel -- MoroccoFiled under: Embroidery -- Morocco Broderies (Arts Marocains v1, in French; Algiers: J. Carbonel, 1918), by Prosper Ricard Filed under: Ethnology -- MoroccoFiled under: Folklore -- MoroccoFiled under: French -- Morocco Agents et Voyageurs Français au Maroc, 1530-1660 (in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1911), by Henry Castries Filed under: Great Britain -- Relations -- MoroccoFiled under: Human rights -- MoroccoFiled under: Industries -- MoroccoFiled under: Jewish legends -- Morocco Jewish Moroccan Folk Narratives from Israel (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c1993), by Aliza Shenhar-Alroy, ed. by Hayah Bar-Yitshak, trans. by Miriam Widmann, contrib. by Haviva Dayan, Mordekhai Malka, Freha Hafutah, Rabbi Hanania Portal, Yamna Dayan, Yoseph Peretz, Juliette Megera, David Seruya, Asher Dayan, Sultana Shoshan, Ya'acov Edri, and Eliyahu Abu-Hatzera (multiple formats with commentary at Wayne State) Filed under: Magic -- MoroccoFiled under: Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric -- MoroccoFiled under: Military assistance, American -- MoroccoFiled under: Missions -- MoroccoFiled under: Modern movement (Architecture) -- Morocco Transcultural Modernisms (Pub. series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, v12; Berlin: Sternberg Press, c2013), ed. by Fahim Amir, Eva Egermann, Moira Hille, Jakob Krameritsch, Christian Kravagna, Christina Linortner, Marion von Osten, and Peter Spillmann (PDF with commentary in Austria) Filed under: Rites and ceremonies -- MoroccoFiled under: Saints -- MoroccoFiled under: Tales -- Morocco Jewish Moroccan Folk Narratives from Israel (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c1993), by Aliza Shenhar-Alroy, ed. by Hayah Bar-Yitshak, trans. by Miriam Widmann, contrib. by Haviva Dayan, Mordekhai Malka, Freha Hafutah, Rabbi Hanania Portal, Yamna Dayan, Yoseph Peretz, Juliette Megera, David Seruya, Asher Dayan, Sultana Shoshan, Ya'acov Edri, and Eliyahu Abu-Hatzera (multiple formats with commentary at Wayne State) Filed under: United States -- Foreign relations -- MoroccoFiled under: Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- MoroccoFiled under: Women's rights -- Morocco
Filed under: Wood-carving -- Morocco -- MarrakechMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |