Widows -- AsiaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Widows -- Asia Widows (2 volumes; Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987), ed. by Helena Znaniecka Lopata, contrib. by Robert L. Rubinstein, Jaya Sarma Gujral, Jasoon Koo, Marsel A. Heisel, Jacquiline Touba, Ruth Katz, Nitza Ben-Dor, Evangelina Novero Blust, Linda Roseman, Arthur D. Shulman, Denise R. Barnes, Christine L. Fry, Lauree Garvin, Shirley L. O'Bryant, Anne Victoria Neale, Rubye Wilkerson Beck, Trudy B. Anderson, Jessyna M. McDonald, Margaret Gentry, Linda Rosenman, Phyllis R. Silverman, Anabel O. Pelham, William F. Clark, Anne Martin Matthews, Carol D. H. Harvey, Gordon E. Barnes, Leonard J. Greenwood, and Rose Kabahenda-Nyakabwa (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Widows -- India Infant Marriage and Enforced Widowhood in India: Being a Collection of Opinions, For and Against (Mumbai: Printed at the "Voice of India" Printing Press, 1887), by Behramji M. Malabari
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Widows -- Canada Widows (2 volumes; Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987), ed. by Helena Znaniecka Lopata, contrib. by Robert L. Rubinstein, Jaya Sarma Gujral, Jasoon Koo, Marsel A. Heisel, Jacquiline Touba, Ruth Katz, Nitza Ben-Dor, Evangelina Novero Blust, Linda Roseman, Arthur D. Shulman, Denise R. Barnes, Christine L. Fry, Lauree Garvin, Shirley L. O'Bryant, Anne Victoria Neale, Rubye Wilkerson Beck, Trudy B. Anderson, Jessyna M. McDonald, Margaret Gentry, Linda Rosenman, Phyllis R. Silverman, Anabel O. Pelham, William F. Clark, Anne Martin Matthews, Carol D. H. Harvey, Gordon E. Barnes, Leonard J. Greenwood, and Rose Kabahenda-Nyakabwa (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Widows -- Drama
Filed under: Widows -- England -- 19th century -- Fiction The Widow Barnaby (3 volumes; London: R. Bentley, 1839), by Frances Milton Trollope Filed under: Widows -- Fiction The Plumed Serpent (c1926), by D. H. Lawrence Dark Hollow (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1914), by Anna Katharine Green, illust. by Thomas Fogarty (Gutenberg text) The Inner Shrine: A Novel of Today (1909), by Basil King, illust. by Frank Craig (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Jezebel's Daughter, by Wilkie Collins Lady Susan, by Jane Austen Mistress Branican (new and cheaper illustrated edition; London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., n.d.), by Jules Verne (multiple formats at archive.org) Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, by Alice Hegan Rice (Gutenberg text) A Widow's Tale, and Other Stories (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1898), by Mrs. Oliphant, contrib. by J. M. Barrie (Gutenberg text) What Became of Anna Bolton (c1944), by Louis Bromfield (HTML in Canada; NO US ACCESS) The Lerouge Affair (v3 in a set of Gaboriau's novels; New York: W. R. Caldwell and Co., c1908), by Emile Gaboriau, illust. by John A. Williams (page images at HathiTrust) The Lerouge Case, by Emile Gaboriau (Gutenberg text) The Old Ladies (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, c1924), by Hugh Walpole (multiple formats at archive.org) The School for Widows: A Novel (3 volumes; London: Printed for T. Hookham et al., 1791), by Clara Reeve The Third Window (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1920), by Anne Douglas Sedgwick (Gutenberg text) The American, by Henry James (Gutenberg text) The Claverings (with illustrations from the magazine and book editions), by Anthony Trollope, illust. by Mary Ellen Edwards (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML) Democracy: An American Novel, by Henry Adams (Gutenberg text) The Fruit of the Tree, by Edith Wharton, illust. by Alonzo Kimball (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Filed under: War widows -- Fiction The Worn Doorstep (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1917), by Margaret Pollock Sherwood Filed under: Widows -- Norway -- FictionFiled under: Widows -- West (U.S.) -- FictionFiled under: Widows -- Juvenile fictionFiled under: Widows -- Middle East Widows (2 volumes; Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987), ed. by Helena Znaniecka Lopata, contrib. by Robert L. Rubinstein, Jaya Sarma Gujral, Jasoon Koo, Marsel A. Heisel, Jacquiline Touba, Ruth Katz, Nitza Ben-Dor, Evangelina Novero Blust, Linda Roseman, Arthur D. Shulman, Denise R. Barnes, Christine L. Fry, Lauree Garvin, Shirley L. O'Bryant, Anne Victoria Neale, Rubye Wilkerson Beck, Trudy B. Anderson, Jessyna M. McDonald, Margaret Gentry, Linda Rosenman, Phyllis R. Silverman, Anabel O. Pelham, William F. Clark, Anne Martin Matthews, Carol D. H. Harvey, Gordon E. Barnes, Leonard J. Greenwood, and Rose Kabahenda-Nyakabwa (page images at HathiTrust) Filed under: Widows -- United States Widows (2 volumes; Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987), ed. by Helena Znaniecka Lopata, contrib. by Robert L. Rubinstein, Jaya Sarma Gujral, Jasoon Koo, Marsel A. Heisel, Jacquiline Touba, Ruth Katz, Nitza Ben-Dor, Evangelina Novero Blust, Linda Roseman, Arthur D. Shulman, Denise R. Barnes, Christine L. Fry, Lauree Garvin, Shirley L. O'Bryant, Anne Victoria Neale, Rubye Wilkerson Beck, Trudy B. Anderson, Jessyna M. McDonald, Margaret Gentry, Linda Rosenman, Phyllis R. Silverman, Anabel O. Pelham, William F. Clark, Anne Martin Matthews, Carol D. H. Harvey, Gordon E. Barnes, Leonard J. Greenwood, and Rose Kabahenda-Nyakabwa (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Mothers' pensions -- New York (State)
Filed under: Sati Infant Marriage and Enforced Widowhood in India: Being a Collection of Opinions, For and Against (Mumbai: Printed at the "Voice of India" Printing Press, 1887), by Behramji M. Malabari
Filed under: Women -- Asia
Filed under: Women -- Asia -- History
Filed under: Women -- Asia -- Social conditions
Filed under: Indigenous women -- Asia
Filed under: Women -- Afghanistan
Filed under: Women -- China Letters From China, With Particular Reference To The Empress Dowager and the Women of China (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co., 1909), by Sarah Pike Conger (multiple formats at archive.org) Court Life in China, by Isaac Taylor Headland (Gutenberg text) Court Life in China (New York et al.: F. H. Revell Co., c1909), by Isaac Taylor Headland Old China and Young America (Chicago: F. G. Browne and Co., 1913), by Sarah Pike Conger Pagoda Shadows: Studies From Life in China (third edition; Boston: W. G. Corthell, 1885), by Adele M. Fielde (multiple formats at archive.org) Filed under: Women -- India The Englishwoman in India (Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1909), by Maud Diver (page images at HathiTrust) Ratanbai: A Sketch of a Bombay High Caste Hindu Young Wife (London: Marshall Brothers, 1895), by Shevantibai M. Nikambe, contrib. by Lucy Ada Jervis Harris (page images at HathiTrust) Woman in India (London: Chapman and Hall, 1895), by Mary Frances Billington (multiple formats at archive.org) Women of India (Mumbai: D. B. Taraporevala Sons and Co., ca. 1920), by Otto Rothfield, illust. by M. V. Dhurandhar (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) "Yes, Lady Saheb": A Woman's Adventurings with Mysterious India (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1925), by Grace Gallatin Seton-Thompson The High-Caste Hindu Woman (Philadelphia: Press of the J. B. Rodgers Printing Co., 1887), by Ramabai Sarasvati, contrib. by Rachel L. Bodley Pandita Ramabai: The Widows' Friend (Australasian edition of "The High-Caste Hindu Woman"), by Ramabai Sarasvati, contrib. by Manoramabai (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Six Months in India (2 volumes; London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1868), by Mary Carpenter The Web of Indian Life (1904), by Sister Nivedita (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com)
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