Women -- Iraq -- BabyloniaSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms: |
Filed under: Women -- Iraq -- Babylonia Women in the Ancient Near East (Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, c2016), by Marten Stol, trans. by Helen Richardson and M. E. J. Richardson
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Female offenders -- IraqFiled under: Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- IraqFiled under: Women -- Violence against -- Iraq
Filed under: Babylonia -- AntiquitiesFiled under: Babylonia -- Commerce
Filed under: Babylonia -- Commerce -- History -- Sources Records From Erech: Time of Nabonidus (555-538 B.C.) (Yale Oriental series, Babylonian texts v6; New Haven: Yale University Press; London: H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1920), ed. by Raymond Philip Dougherty Filed under: Babylonia -- History
Filed under: Babylonia -- History -- SourcesFiled under: Babylonia -- Politics and governmentFiled under: Babylonia -- Social life and customs Talmudische Archäologie (3 volumes in German; Leipzig: G. Fock, 1910-1912), by Samuel Krauss
Filed under: Archives -- Babylonia -- NippurFiled under: Courts -- Iraq -- Babylonia Das Altbabylonische Gerichtswesen (in German; Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1917), by Arnold Friedrich Walther Filed under: Justice, Administration of -- Iraq -- Babylonia Das Altbabylonische Gerichtswesen (in German; Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1917), by Arnold Friedrich Walther Filed under: Law -- Iraq -- Babylonia The Code of Hammurabi, by Hammurabi, King of Babylonia, trans. by L. W. King, contrib. by Charles F. Horne and C. H. W. Johns (HTML at Yale) Babylonian Legal and Business Documents, From the Time of the First Dynasty of Babylon, Chiefly from Nippur, by A. Poebel (PDF at ETANA) Legal and Administrative Documents From Nippur (Philadelphia: University Museum, 1914), by Edward Chiera (PDF at ETANA) Old Babylonian Contracts (Philadelphia: University Museum, 1922), by Edward Chiera (PDF at ETANA) Filed under: Names, Personal -- Babylonia |