Women poets, EnglishSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Women poets, English Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.), ed. by George Colman and Bonnell Thornton, contrib. by Mary Barber, Aphra Behn, Frances Brooke, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Lee Chudleigh, Catharine Trotter, Constantia Grierson, Mary Jones, Anne Killigrew, Mary Leapor, Mary Masters, Mary Wortley Montagu, Mary Monck, Margaret Cavendish Newcastle, Katherine Philips, Laetitia Pilkington, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, and Anne Kingsmill Finch Winchilsea (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Women poets, English -- 19th century -- Biography Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor (two volumes; London: Henry S. King and Co., 1874), by Ann Taylor, ed. by Josiah Gilbert Filed under: Taylor, Ann, 1782-1866 Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor (two volumes; London: Henry S. King and Co., 1874), by Ann Taylor, ed. by Josiah Gilbert Women Worth Emulating (New York: American Tract Society, ca. 1877), by Clara Lucas Balfour
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Women poets
Filed under: Women poets -- Fiction
Filed under: Women poets, Italian -- FictionFiled under: Women poets -- PoetryFiled under: Women poets -- Portugal Poetisas Portuguesas: Antologia Contendo Dados Bibliograficos e Biograficos Acêrca de Cento e Seis Poetisas (in Portuguese; Lisbon: Edição e Propriedade do Auctor, 1917), ed. by Nuno Catharino Cardoso
Filed under: Women poets, American -- 20th century
Filed under: African American women poets -- BiographyFiled under: Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784
Filed under: Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784 -- Bibliography Phillis Wheatley (Phillis Peters): A Critical Attempt and a Bibliography of Her Writings (Heartman's historical series #7; New York: Printed for the author, 1915), by Charles F. Heartman A Bibliographical Checklist of American Negro Poetry (Bibliographica America v2; includes Heartman's bibliography of Phillis Wheatley; New York: C. F. Heartman, 1916), by Arthur Alfonso Schomburg, contrib. by Charles F. Heartman Filed under: Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784 -- Criticism and interpretationFiled under: Women poets, Irish Poems by the Most Eminent Ladies of Great Britain and Ireland: Re-Published From the Collection of G. Colman and B. Thornton, Esqrs., With Considerable Alterations, Additions, and Improvements (2 volumes; London: W. Stafford, n.d.), ed. by George Colman and Bonnell Thornton, contrib. by Mary Barber, Aphra Behn, Frances Brooke, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Lee Chudleigh, Catharine Trotter, Constantia Grierson, Mary Jones, Anne Killigrew, Mary Leapor, Mary Masters, Mary Wortley Montagu, Mary Monck, Margaret Cavendish Newcastle, Katherine Philips, Laetitia Pilkington, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, and Anne Kingsmill Finch Winchilsea (page images at HathiTrust)