World War, 1914-1918 -- RegistersSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:- World War, 1914-1918 -- Registers -- Great Britain
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Registers -- Illinois
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Registers -- Montana
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Registers -- United States
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Canada -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Great Britain -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Illinois -- Knox County -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Illinois -- Sangamon County -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Michigan -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- North Carolina -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Refugees -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Scotland -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- United States -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Washington (State) -- Whitman County -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Wisconsin -- Richland County -- Registers
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Wisconsin -- Rusk County -- Registers
Filed under: World War, 1914-1918 -- Registers The Texas Spirit of '17: A Pictorial and Biographical Record of the Gallant and Courageous Men From Ellis County Who Served in the Great War (Dallas: Army and Navy History Co., c1919) (page images at Portal to Texas History) Butler College in the World War: A Record of the Men and Their Achievements, Together With a Briefer Record of Those Who Served in the Civil War and in the War With Spain (Indianapolis: Butler College Alumni Association, 1922), by Katharine Merrill Graydon (multiple formats at Indiana) The Melvill Family: A Roll of Honour of the Descendants of Captain Philip Melvill, Lieut-Governor of Pendennis Castle, and Their Immediate Connections by Marriage, in the Years of the World War, 1914-1918 (London: A. L. Humphreys, 1920), by E. J. Joubert de la Ferté Charterhouse in London; monastery, mansion, hospital, school (J.Murray, 1921), by Gerald S. Davies (page images at HathiTrust) The Richard N. Hall post, Veterans of foreign wars of the U. S. A. of the University of Michigan. (published by W. H. Hobbs for the R. N. Hall post, V. F. W., 1920), by Ann Arbor Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Michigan. The Richard N. Hall post (page images at HathiTrust) The official roster of Ohio soldiers, sailors and marines in the world war, 1917-18 ... (The F. J. Heer Printing Co., 1926), by Ohio. Adjutant-General's Dept, Ohio. Secretary of State, and Ohio. Governor (page images at HathiTrust) Pro patria. A budapesti kir. magyar Tudományegyetem harcosai ... (M. kir. Tudományegyetemi nyomda, 1917), by Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) La noblesse française au champ d'honneur, 1914-1915-1916, avec la liste alphabétique des morts au champ d'honneur, blessés, disparus, cités à l'ordre du jour, promus, nommés dans la Légion d'honneur, la médaille militaire, la croix de guerre. (Le Nobiliaire, 1916), by Georges de Morant (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Heroes all! A compendium of the names and official citations of the soldiers and citizens of the United States and of her allies who were decorated by the American government for exceptional heroism and conspicuous service above and beyond the call of duty in the war with Germany, 1917-1919. (Fassett Publishing Company, 1919), by Harry R. Stringer (page images at HathiTrust) United States Lawn Tennis Association and the world war (Robert Hamilton company, 1921), by Paul Benjamin Williams, John A. Ferris, and George W. Grupp (page images at HathiTrust) With the army at Hoboken ([The McConnell printing company], 1919), by King W. Snell (page images at HathiTrust) West Virginia casualties in the war with Germany (The Jarrett printing company, 1924), by Boyd Blynn Stutler (page images at HathiTrust) The O.T.C. and the great war (Offices of "Country life" [etc.];, 1915), by Alan Roderick Haig-Brown (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Letters from the front. Being a record of the part played by officers of the Bank in the great war, 1914-1919. (Southam Press Ltd., 1920), by Canadian Bank of Commerce (page images at HathiTrust) To the employees of the Geometric tool company who enlisted in the service of the United States government during the world war of 1914-1918. (New Haven, Conn., 1919), by Conn.) Geometric Tool Company (New Haven (page images at HathiTrust) The church's work for men at war (Pub. for the Western theological seminary by Morehouse publishing co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1919), by Bernard Iddings Bell (page images at HathiTrust) An honor roll, containing a pictorial record of the gallant and courageous men from Ontonagon county, Mich., U.S.A., who served in the Great war. 1917--1918--1919. (D. A. Kooker, 1920), by David Arthur Kooker (page images at HathiTrust) Record of service in the world war of V. M. I. alumni and their alma mater (The Richmond press inc.], 1920), by Virginia Military Institute and Joseph R. Anderson (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of war service, 1914-1919. (Military education committee of the University of London, 1921), by Great Britain. Army. Officers' training corps (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of service, August, 1914 to November, 1918. (University press, 1921), by University of Liverpool (page images at HathiTrust) Oxford university roll of service (The Clarendon press, 1920), by University of Oxford, W. M. Gibson, and E. S. Craig (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of honour and roll of service, 1914-1919. (Printed by R. & R. Clark, ltd., 1920), by University of St. Andrews (page images at HathiTrust) The Amherst memorial volume; a record of the contribution made by Amherst college and Amherst men in the world war, 1914-18 ([Amherst, Mass.], 1926), by Amherst College, Claude Moore Fuess, and Amherst College. Alumni Council (page images at HathiTrust) World war record. (The Trustees of the University, 1920), by Boston University (page images at HathiTrust) Journal officiel de la République française (Paris, 1921), by France Ministry of War (page images at HathiTrust) History of the 317th Infantry (Imprimerie Deslis frères et cie, 1919), by Edley Craighill (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) History of the 151st field artillery, Rainbow Division ([McGill-Warner company], 1924), by Louis Loren Collins and Wayne Edson Stevens (page images at HathiTrust) Records of active service of teachers, graduates, undergraduates, officers and servants in the European war, 1914-1918. (Printed by H. J. Green, government printer, 1926), by University of Melbourne and Horace William Allen (page images at HathiTrust) University of Toronto roll of service, 1914-1918. (University of Toronto press, 1921), by University of Toronto (page images at HathiTrust) A history of Dedham, Massachusetts (The Transcript press, inc., 1936), by Frank Smith (page images at HathiTrust) The history of Sigma alpha epsilon in the world war. ([George Banta publishing company], 1928), by William C. Levere (page images at HathiTrust) The history and achievements of the Fort Scheridan officers' training camps. (The Fort Sheridan Association, 1920), by Fort Sheridan Association and Fred Girton (page images at HathiTrust) Congressional medal of honor, the distinguished service cross and the distinguished service medal issued by the War department since April 6, 1917, up to and including General orders, no. 126, War department, November 11, 1919. (Govt. print. off., 1920), by United States Adjutant General's Office (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Roll of service in the great war, 1914-1919 (Aberdeen university press, 1921), by University of Aberdeen and Mabel Desborough Allardyce (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Baylor men in military service. (Printed by Baylor university press, 1918), by Baylor University (page images at HathiTrust) American homeopathy in the world war (Pub. by and under the authority of the Board of trustees of the American institute of homeopathy, 1923), by Frederick M. Dearborn and American Institute of Homeopathy (page images at HathiTrust) An Honor roll : containing a pictorial record of the war service of the men and women of Kalamazoo County, 1917-1918-1919. (Mrs. O.H. Clark, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust) Honor roll and war history of Ingham County, Michigan, in the great world war, 1914 to 1918. (State Journal Co., 1919), by State Journal Company (page images at HathiTrust) The honor roll of Livingston County, Michigan, U. S. A. : 1917-1918-1919. (K. M. Payne and the Brighton Argus, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust) Service record book of men and women of West Branch, Michigan and Ogemaw County (Lithographed and bound by Walsworth Brothers, 1950) (page images at HathiTrust) Honor roll and complete war history of Genesee county, Michigan, in the great world war 1914 to 1918 : illustrated biography, authentic history, embracing & recording activities of fighting and civilian army. (The Flint Daily Journal, 1920), by Genesee County War Board and Flint Daily Journal (page images at HathiTrust) Michigan military records, the D. A. R. of Michigan historical collections: records of the revolutionary soldiers buried in Michigan; the pensioners of territorial Michigan; and the soldiers of Michigan awarded the "medal of honor." (Michigan historical commission, 1920), by Sue Imogene Silliman (page images at HathiTrust) The war record of the University of Kansas. (Lawrence, Kan., 1918), by University of Kansas (page images at HathiTrust) Butler College in the World War, a record of the men and their achievements together with a briefer record of those who served in the Civil War and in the war with Spain (Butler College Alumni Association, 1922), by Katharine Merrill Graydon (page images at HathiTrust) Liber memorialis des professeurs, étudiants et anciens étudiants de l'Université libre de Bruxelles ayant participé à la grande guerre (1914-1918). (Des presses d'O. Lamberty, 1920), by Université libre de Bruxelles (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Liste provisoire des élèves et ancien élèves de l'Ecole des chartes mobilisés depuis le début de la guerre. (Impr. de la Cour d'appel, 1915), by Ecole nationale des chartes (France) (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Virginia polytechnic institute in the world war. (Virginia polytechnic institute, 1927), by Virginia Polytechnic Institute (page images at HathiTrust) Utah in the World War : the men behind the guns and the men and women behind the men behind the guns (Arrow Press, 1924), by Noble Warrum and Utah. Council of Defense (page images at HathiTrust) Publications of the Virginia War History Commission (Virginia War History Commission, 1923), by Arthur Kyle Davis and Virginia War History Commission (page images at HathiTrust) Victory, Waseca County, Minnesota in the World War. (Journal Radical, 1919) (page images at HathiTrust) Nevada's golden stars. A memorial volume designed as a gift from the state of Nevada to the relatives of those Nevada heroes who died in the world war. (Printed by A. Carlisle & co. of Nevada, 1924), by Nevada. Adjutant General's Office (page images at HathiTrust) Columbia County in the world war (J.B. Lyon company, printers, 1924), by Columbia County (N.Y.). Home defense committee and Daniel Vincent McNamee (page images at HathiTrust) The "world war" history of the village of Rye, 1917-1918; with an appendix of a short, concise history of Rye from the first settlement, 1660, to the incorporation of the village, 1904. (The Knickerbocker press, 1923), by Chauncey Ives (page images at HathiTrust) Yonkers in the world war, including the honor roll of the citizens of Yonkers who served in the military forces of the United States during the world war. With a record of overseas and home activities during the war period, of the city of Yonkers as a community. (The Plimpton press, 1922), by Yonkers (N.Y.). Mayor's honor roll committee and Purnell Frederick Harrington (page images at HathiTrust) The honor roll of Green Lake and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, U.S.A. : 1917-1918-1919. (Honor Roll Association of Green Lake and Waushara Counties, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust) Our book of memories 338 F.A. (Pioneer Print. Co., 1920), by Jerome R. Forbes (page images at HathiTrust) Saint George's School in the war. (Printed for the Alumni Association of Saint George's School, 1920), by Middletown St. George's school (page images at HathiTrust) Record of service in the great war 1914-18 (London county council, 1922), by London County Council (page images at HathiTrust) List of Etonians who fought in the great war, 1914-1919. (Printed privately for Eton college by P. Lee Warner, 1921), by Eton College and Edward Littleton Vaughan (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of war service, 1914-1919. (Military education committee of the University of London, 1921), by Great Britain. Army. Officers' training corps (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Inner Templars who volunteered and served in the great war (s.n.], 1916), by England) Inner Temple (London and Charles J. Darling Darling (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Charterhouse in London; monastery, mansion, hospital, school (J. Murray, 1922), by Gerald Stanley Davies (page images at HathiTrust) Record of service, 1914-1918, University of British Columbia, McGill British Columbia, Vancouver college. (Vancouver, B.C., 1924), by University of British Columbia (page images at HathiTrust) Manchester University roll of service. (The University Press;, 1922), by University of Manchester (page images at HathiTrust) The University of Melbourne record of active service of teachers, graduates, undergraduates, officers and servants in the European war, 1914-1918. (H.J. Green, govt. printer, 1926), by University of Melbourne and Horace William Allen (page images at HathiTrust) Phillips Academy, Andover, in the great war (Yale University Press, 1919), by Claude Moore Fuess (page images at HathiTrust) Princeton in the world war. (The Office of the secretary, Princeton University, 1932), by Princeton University and Varnum Lansing Collins (page images at HathiTrust) Military records of Cornell university in the world war. (The University, 1930), by Cornell University (page images at HathiTrust) Harvard's military record in the world war (Harvard Alumni Association, 1921), by Frederick Sumner Mead (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the selective service administration of California. (California State Printing Office, 1922), by California. Adjutant General's Office (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Roster of Maine in the military service of the United States and allies in the World War, 1917-1919 ... (Augusta, Me., 1929), by Maine. Adjutant General (page images at HathiTrust) Roster of the men and women who served in the army or naval service (including the Marine corps) of the United States or its allies from the state of North Dakota in the World war, 1917-1918... ([The Bismarck Tribune company, state printers and binders], 1931), by North Dakota. Adjutant-General's Office (page images at HathiTrust) Roster of the Rainbow division (forty-second) Major General Wm. A. Mann commanding. (Eaton & Gettinger, inc., printers, 1917), by Harold Stanley Johnson (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Index to the German Forces in the field (s.n., 1917), by Great Britain War Office General Staff (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Penn State in the world war. (The Alumni Association of the Pennsylvania State College, 1921), by Pennsylvania State College. Alumni Association and Edward Nixon Sullivan (page images at HathiTrust) The war record of the Fifth Company, New England Regiment, Second Plattsburg Training Camp (s.n.], 1922) (page images at HathiTrust) The Knights of Columbus in peace and war (Knights of Columbus, 1920), by Maurice Francis Egan and John James Bright Kennedy (page images at HathiTrust) An Honor roll : containing a pictorial record of the gallant and courageous men from Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, U.S.A. who served in the great war, 1917-1918-1919 (Algoma Printing Co., 1920), by Lester C. Heidmann and Harry H. Heidmann (page images at HathiTrust) The Navy book of distinguished service; an official compendium of the names and citations of the men of the United States Navy, Marine corps, Army and foreign governments who were decorated by the Navy department for extraordinary gallantry and conspicuous service above and beyond the call of duty in the world war (Fassett publishing company, 1921), by Harry R. Stringer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Holyoke in the great war (Transcript Pub. Co., 1919), by Charles S. Zack (page images at HathiTrust) Record of services rendered during the Great War (De Vinne Press, 1922), by Century Association (New York, N.Y.) (page images at HathiTrust) Reno's response: history of Reno county's war work activities during the World war, 1917-1918 (s.n., 1921), by Fred K. Henney (page images at HathiTrust) Jefferson County in th world war; an historical and sociological study of one Indiana county during the war period, 1917-1918 (The Jefferson County Historical Society, 1920), by George S. Cottman and Indiana Historical Commission (page images at HathiTrust) Racine county in the world war; a history (Western Prtg. & Lithographing Co., 1920), by Walter L. Haight (page images at HathiTrust) Twin Falls County in the world war (The A.L. Scoville Press], 1920), by G. Duncan McLeod (page images at HathiTrust) Saint Mark's school in the war against Germany (Priv. print, for the school, 1920), by Albert Emerson Benson (page images at HathiTrust) An index of ancestors and roll of members of the Society of Colonial Wars. The honor roll, services of members of the Society during the World War, 1917-1918. (By authority of the General Assembly, 1922), by General Society of Colonial Wars (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) McLean County, Illinois, in the World War, 1917-1918 ... (McLean County War Publishing Company, 1921), by Edward E. Pierson and Jacob Louis Hasbrouck (page images at HathiTrust) War service register. (The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company], 1921), by Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York (page images at HathiTrust) Honor roll, the Procter & Gamble Company, 1918. (Procter & Gamble, 1918), by Procter & Gamble Company (page images at HathiTrust) War history of Santa Clara County (Santa Clara County Historical Society, 1919), by Edith Daley and Santa Clara County Historical Society (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of honour, 1914-1919. (Printed and pub. for the University by Oliver and Boyd, 1921), by University of Edinburgh and John E. Mackenzie (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Record of service rendered in the great war. (The De Vinne press, 1920), by Century Association (New York, N.Y.) (page images at HathiTrust) The award of the Williams medal : Williams College victory celebration, October 17th, 1919. ([De Vinne press].), by Williams College (page images at HathiTrust) Roster of S. A. T. C. students, November 1, 1918. (The University, 1918), by University of Wisconsin (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of service, 1914-1919. (T. Caldeleugh, 1920), by University of Durham (page images at HathiTrust) Record of war service, 1914-1918, Officers training corps (Junior division) Public school officers, and other members of the staffs. (Printed by W. Heffer & sons ltd., 1919), by Great Britain. Army. Officers training corps (page images at HathiTrust) Heroes all! (Fassett publishing company, 1919), by Hary Roy Stinger (page images at HathiTrust) Bidwells in the world war (J. B. Lyon, 1920), by Frederick David Bidwell (page images at HathiTrust) War record of Dartmouth college, 1917-1918 (Hanover, N.H., 1922), by Eugene Francis Clark (page images at HathiTrust) Walton world war history; being a brief account of the participation, in that struggle, of residents of the town and village of Walton, Delaware County, New York (Reporter Press, 1922), by Arthur Walbridge North (page images at HathiTrust) Names and home addresses of Franklin County's men and women serving their country ([Frankfort? Ky., 1918), by Hattie Marshall Scott and American National Red Cross. Dept. of Civilian Relief (page images at HathiTrust) [Worcester academy in the war] (Worcester, Mass., 1918), by Worcester Worcester academy (page images at HathiTrust) War service of the University of New Mexico (University of New Mexico, 1919), by Charles Elkanah Hodgin (page images at HathiTrust) War service of members of Pennsylvania society, Sons of the revolution, 1917-1919. ([Philadelphia?, 1920), by Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution (page images at HathiTrust) Soldiers of Osceola, Lewis County, New York, in the great war of 1914-1918 (Advance-journal print, 1920), by N.Y. Osceola and William D. Barnes (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of honor, National society United States daughters of 1812. ([n.p., 1922), by Stella Pickett Hardy (page images at HathiTrust) Brown university in the war ([The University], 1919), by Brown university. War records committee (page images at HathiTrust) Saint Mark's school in the war against Germany (Priv. print for the school, 1920), by Albert Emerson Benson (page images at HathiTrust) Knox County in the World war, 1917, 1918, 1919. (Knoxville lithographing company, 1919), by Knoxville Lithographing Co (page images at HathiTrust) Rice records in war service. (The Rice institute, 1919), by Houston William Marsh Rice university (page images at HathiTrust) Albany's part in the world war (The General publishing company, 1919), by Harry Cohen and Albany General publishing company (page images at HathiTrust) Massachusetts agricultural college in the war. ([Amherst, 1921), by Amherst Massachusetts. Agricultural college (page images at HathiTrust) A war-time record; an illustrated account of the war-time activities of the Edison electric illuminating company of Boston during the great world war, 1914-1918. (Priv. print. for the Edison electric illuminating company, 1922), by Boston Edison Company (page images at HathiTrust) New Brunswick, New Jersey, in the world war, 1917-1918 (S. M. Christie press, 1921), by John P. Wall (page images at HathiTrust) Service record of men of the Hanover national bank of the city of New York, being an account of the experiences of the men of the Hanover national bank in the great world war ([New York], 1920), by James Peter Gardner, W. I. Thomas, Walter L. Oliphant, and Henry H. Montgomery (page images at HathiTrust) The Maccabees in the world war (The Maccabees, 1920), by Knights of the Maccabees (page images at HathiTrust) Address book of the Quill and dagger society with the war record. (Ithaca, N.Y., 1921), by Quill and Dagger Society (Cornell University) and Clark Sutherland Northup (page images at HathiTrust) List of Massachusetts physicians in the Medical corps of the United States army, navy, the Red cross or British service during the great war ([Jamaica printing company], 1919), by United States. Council of national defense. Medical section. Massachusetts state committee (page images at HathiTrust) Yonkers in the world war, including the honor roll of the citizens of Yonkers who served in the military forces of the United States during the world war. (The Plimpton press, 1922), by N.Y. Mayor's honor roll committee Yonkers and Purnell Frederick Harrington (page images at HathiTrust) 1903 war record ... (Class of 1903, Executive committee, 1919), by Princeton university. Class of 1903 (page images at HathiTrust) The war record of the Fifth company, New England regiment (Printed at the Harvard university press, 1922), by Fifth company records committee (page images at HathiTrust) The University of Maine and the war. (Printed at the University Press, 1918), by University of Maine (page images at HathiTrust) War history of Santa Clara County (Santa Clara County historical society, 1919), by Edith Daley and Santa Clara County historical society (page images at HathiTrust) Hobart roll of honor and a letter from Dean Durfee. (Hobart college, 1917), by Hobart College and William Pitt Durfee (page images at HathiTrust) Parke County in the World War : a list of its soldiers, sailors, and marines, compiled from official records and from as complete research as possible. (Rockville tribune, 1920) (page images at HathiTrust) A tentative list of Georgetown men in the military service of the United States. (Georgetown university, 1918), by D.C. Georgetown university (page images at HathiTrust) Overseas record, record of graduates, alumni, members of staff, and students of Queen's university on active military (overseas) service (to June 1st, 1917) 1914-1917. ([Kingston?, 1917), by Ont. Queen's university Kingston (page images at HathiTrust) A memorial address for those Bowdoin men who gave their lives in the war ([Brunswick, Me., 1919), by Kenneth C. M. Sills (page images at HathiTrust) University of Colorado military and naval service roll ... (Col., 1918), by Colorado. University (page images at HathiTrust) The Cambridge review's war list (published by E. Johnson, 1917) (page images at HathiTrust) Congressional medal of honor (Govt. print. off., 1920), by United States Adjutant General's Office (page images at HathiTrust) A seven years' record of the Society of alumni of Bellevue hospital, 1915-1921; being the Year-book with memorials of those who died in the great war (The Society of alumni of Bellevue hospital, 1922), by New York. Society of alumni Bellevue hospital and Robert James Carlisle (page images at HathiTrust) History of Company C, 102nd Ammunition Train, American Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1918-1919. (Company C, 102nd Ammunition Train, 1919), by Albert D. Osborn (page images at HathiTrust) With the army at Hoboken (The McConnell printing company, 1919), by King W. Snell (page images at HathiTrust) The story of the First Pioneer Infantry, U.S.A. (Kirkland Press], 1919), by Chester W Davis and Harrison W. Foreman (page images at HathiTrust) History of Great Barrington (Berkshire) Massachusetts (Published by the Town of Great Barrington, 1928), by Charles James Taylor, Ralph Wainwright Pope, and George Edwin MacLean (page images at HathiTrust) Honor roll, Crawford County Wis., 1917-1918-1919 (H.E. Howe & Son, 1919) (page images at HathiTrust) Honor roll; the Procter & Gamble company. (Cincinnati?], 1920), by Procter & Gamble Company (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Honor roll, soldiers, sailors and nurses from Sayre, Penna. (Murrelle printing company], 1919), by Christian Ernest Loetzer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Milford in the great war. Memorial book ... (Cabinet press, 1922), by N.H. Memorial book committee Milford and Fred Tilton Wadleigh (page images at HathiTrust) Oxford university roll of service, 1914-1916 (The Clarendon press, 1916), by University of Oxford and Edwin Stewart Craig (page images at HathiTrust) Oxford university roll of service, 1914-1915 (Clarendon press, 1915), by University of Oxford and Edwin Stewart Craig (page images at HathiTrust) Walsh county, North Dakota, in the world war. (Walsh county service co., 1920) (page images at HathiTrust) War record of the town of Islip, Long Island, New York; world war, 1917-1918. ([Islip?, 1921), by Perry S. Wicks (page images at HathiTrust) Westfield and the world war. (Westfield times co. print., 1919), by Mass. Welcome home committee Westfield and Edward G. Clark (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) Dakota County in the World War : comprising a short history of the World War, the service records and photos of Dakota County boys and the county's numerous war activities. (Red Wing Printing Co., 1919) (page images at HathiTrust) Franklin County, Illinois, war history, 1832-1919; containing a brief review of the world war--complete history of Franklin County's activities--photographs and service records of Franklin County's soldiers, sailors and marines--industrial and biographical review of business and professional firms who have made this history possible. (Pub. by H. W. Trovillion for the Franklin County War History Society, 1920), by S. Sylvester Baird and Harry L. Frier (page images at HathiTrust) Our honor roll: those who served, 1917-1919. ([Boston?, 1919), by Scottish Rite (Masonic order). Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction (page images at HathiTrust) Technology's war record : an interpretation of the contribution made by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, its staff, its former students and its undergraduates to the cause of the United States and the allied powers in the Great War, 1914-1919 (War Records Committee of the Alumni Association of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1920), by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Alumni Association War Records Committee and John Hamilton Ruckman (page images at HathiTrust) Hamline university in the world war. ([s.n.], 1920), by Henry Leslie Osborn (page images at HathiTrust) Harvard's military record in the world war (The Harvard alumni association, 1921), by Frederick Sumner Mead (page images at HathiTrust) Henley races : with details of regattas from 1903 to 1914 inclusive and a complete index of competitors and crews since 1839 (Oxford University Press; H. Milford, 1919), by Theodore Andrea Cook (page images at HathiTrust) War service roll of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. (Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1918), by Massachusetts Agricultural College (page images at HathiTrust) Roll of honour ... the great war 1914-1918 ... ([Vancouver, 1920), by Corporation of Land Surveyors of the Province of British Columbia (page images at HathiTrust) War records. (Rolla, Mo., 1920), by University of Missouri. School of Mines and Metallurgy and Gerard Ernest Ebmeyer (page images at HathiTrust) The honor roll of the society : services of members of the Society during the World War, 1917-1918. (Published by authority of the General Assembly, 1922), by General Society of Colonial Wars (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) A roll of honor of Harvard men who have given their lives for liberty and democracy in the war against Germany ... (Harvard University Press, 1920), by University Press Pamphlet Collection (Houghton Library), Mass.) University Press (Cambridge, and Harvard Memorial Society (page images at HathiTrust) A seven years' record of the Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital, 1915 to 1921 : being the year-book : with memorials of those who died in the Great War (Published by the Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital, 1922), by Bellevue Hospital. Society of Alumni and Robert J. Carlisle (page images at HathiTrust) Brown University in the war : a report by the War Records Committee, including a statement of the war work of the University, the biographies of Brown men who died in service, and a directory of the military service of alumni, former students and undergraduates. ([The Committee, 1919), by Brown University. War Records Committee (page images at HathiTrust) Holy Cross College service record, war of 1917. (Holy Cross College, 1920), by Mass.) College of the Holy Cross (Worcester and Joseph Sylvester Dineen (page images at HathiTrust) M.A.C. in the war (Amherst, Mass., 1921), by Massachusetts Agricultural College (page images at HathiTrust) Butler College in the world war : a record of interest to Butler people. (Butler College, 1922), by Katharine Merrill Graydon (page images at HathiTrust) I condottieri della nostra guerra. ("l'Italiana", 1916), by Giuseppe Borghetti (page images at HathiTrust) The call to arms : Montreal's roll of honour, European war, 1914. (Southam Press ltd., 1914), by B. K. Sandwell (page images at HathiTrust) Albo d'onore ai suoi figli caduti per la patria nella grande guerra, MCMXV-MCMXVIII. (Tip. Alpina di U.C. Rastellini, 1921), by Chiesa evangelica valdese (page images at HathiTrust) University of Toronto roll of service. (University of Toronto Press, 1917), by University of Toronto (page images at HathiTrust) Record of services given and honours attained by members of the Chinese Customs Service, War 1914-1918. (Statistical Dept. of the Inspectorate General of Customs, 1922), by China. Hai guan zong shui wu si shu (page images at HathiTrust) Roster of soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the War of Rebellion, Spanish-American War and World War : names gathered by county and precinct assessors (C.W. Pool, 1925), by Nebraska. Office of the Secretary of State and Charles W. Pool (page images at HathiTrust) Roster of Cuyahoga county soldiers, sailors and marines wounded in action, killed in action, died of wounds [or] gassed. : World war 1914-18 ([Cleveland], 1939), by United States. Work Projects Administration (Ohio) (page images at HathiTrust) Le Palais et la justice pendant la guerre (4 aout 1914-1er aout 1916) (L. Tenin, 1916), by Edgard Troimaux and France) Palais de justice (Paris (page images at HathiTrust) A centennial history of Alleghany County, Virginia (Ruebush company, 1923), by Oren F. Morton and Boutwell Dunlap (page images at HathiTrust) An index of ancestors and roll of members of the Society of colonial wars--A first supplement to the 1922 Index of ancestors and roll of members of the general Society of colonial wars. (Issued by authority of the General assembly, 1941), by General Society of Colonial Wars (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Overseas record : record of graduates, alumni, members of staff, and students of Queen's University on active military (overseas) service, 1914-1917 (to June 1st, 1917). (s.n., 1917), by Ont.) Queen's University (Kingston (page images at HathiTrust) Blair Academy and the Great War : a record of the part played by students and alumni in the world conflict of 1914-1919 ([The Academy?], 1919), by Milton G Silver (page images at HathiTrust) War bulletin, March, 1918. (Cincinnati, 1918), by University of Cincinnati (page images at HathiTrust) Boston College in the World War : 1917-1918. (Boston College, 1924), by Boston College and John S. Keating (page images at HathiTrust) Aux étudiants morts pour la patrie, 1914-1918. (Les presses de la maison d'édition I. Vanderpoorten, 1922), by Rijksuniversiteit te Gent (page images at HathiTrust) War record, Davidson College, 1917-1918 (Presbyterian Standard Pub. Co., 1923), by Cornelia Rebekah Shaw (page images at HathiTrust) Oxford university roll of service, 1914-1916 (The Clarendon press, 1916), by University of Oxford and E. S. Craig (page images at HathiTrust) World war service record of Rochester and Monroe County, New York ... (Published by the City, 1924), by Rochester (N.Y.). Historian's Office and Monroe County (N.Y.). Historical Commission (page images at HathiTrust) With the 114th Machine gun battalion, 1917-1919 (s.n., 1920), by Thomas B. Collins (page images at HathiTrust) Adevărul asupra problemei evreeşti din România, în lumina textelor religioase şi a statisticei : urmate de listele nominale ale ostaşilor evrei morţi, răniţi, prisonieri, dispăruţi şi decoraţi in războiul pentru întregirea României. (Tipografia "Triumbul", 1925), by W. Filderman (page images at HathiTrust) War record of the class of nineteen hundred and four, Princeton University. ([Place of publication not identified], [publisher not identified], 1923., 1923), by Princeton University. Class of 1904 and William Alsop Bours (page images at HathiTrust) Service record of men of the Hanover National Bank of the City of New York; being an account of the experiences of the men of the Hanover National Bank in the great World war. (Published for private distribution, 1920), by Hanover National Bank of the City of New York (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the adjutant general of the state of Maine for the period of the world war, 1917-1919. (Augusta, Me., 1929), by Maine. Adjutant General (page images at HathiTrust) A first supplement to the 1922 Index of ancestors and roll of members of the general Society of Colonial Wars. (Issued by authority of the General Assembly, 1941), by General Society of Colonial Wars (U.S.) (page images at HathiTrust) Les Israélites dans l'armée française, 1914-1918. (Gaultier, 1921), by Consistoire israélite de Paris (page images at HathiTrust) Stonyhurst war record; a memorial of the part taken by Stonyhurst men in the great war. (The authorities of Stonyhurst College, 1927), by Francis Irwin and Cecil Chichester-Constable (page images at HathiTrust) The war book of Upper Canada College, Toronto (Printers Guild, 1923), by A. H. Young and Upper Canada College. Old Boys' Association (page images at HathiTrust) Roster of the Rainbow division (Forty-Second) Major General Wm. A. Mann commanding, by Harold Stanley Johnson (Gutenberg ebook)
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