Writs -- Québec (Province)See also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Writs -- Québec (Province) Judicial decisions on the Writ of Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum: and on the provincial ordinance, 2d Victoria, chap. 4, whereby the Habeas Corpus ordinance of 1784 has been suspended : with notes. ([s.n.], 1839) (page images at HathiTrust) Judicial decisions on the Writ of Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum and on the provincial ordinance, 2d Victoria, chap. 4, whereby the Habeas Corpus ordinance of 1784 has been suspended : with notes. ([s.n.], 1839), by Québec (Province) (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the case of John Teed on an application for a writ of Habeas Corpus, decided by the Court of King's Bench at Quebec; also, the opinions of Justices Panet and Bedard, delivered in vacation upon the sa[me] case. (s.n.], 1839), by Lower Canada. Court of King's Bench (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Habeas corpus -- Québec (Province) Judicial decisions on the Writ of Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum: and on the provincial ordinance, 2d Victoria, chap. 4, whereby the Habeas Corpus ordinance of 1784 has been suspended : with notes. ([s.n.], 1839) (page images at HathiTrust) Judicial decisions on the Writ of Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum and on the provincial ordinance, 2d Victoria, chap. 4, whereby the Habeas Corpus ordinance of 1784 has been suspended : with notes. ([s.n.], 1839), by Québec (Province) (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the case of John Teed on an application for a writ of Habeas Corpus, decided by the Court of King's Bench at Quebec; also, the opinions of Justices Panet and Bedard, delivered in vacation upon the sa[me] case. (s.n.], 1839), by Lower Canada. Court of King's Bench (page images at HathiTrust) Report of the proceedings before the Court of King's Bench for the district of Quebec in the term of February, 1832, respecting the commitment of Daniel Tracey and Ludger Duvernay by the Legislative Council of Lower-Canada, for a breach of privilege (s.n.], 1832), by Daniel Tracey, Ludger Duvernay, and Lower Canada. Court of King's Bench (page images at HathiTrust) Province of Lower Canada, Court of Appeals, January session, 1814 Joseph Maurice, alias La Fantaisie, appellant, v. the Hon. James Monk, respondent : respondent's case. (s.n., 1814), by James Monk, Joseph Maurice, and Lower Canada. Court of Appeals (page images at HathiTrust)
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Filed under: Writs The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law (in the Savoy, Printed by Eliz. Nutt, and R. Gosling (assigns of E. Sayer) [etc.], 1718), by Anthony Fitzherbert (page images at HathiTrust) The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-herbert. (Printed by H. Watts, 1793), by Anthony Fitzherbert, George Wilson, Wadham Wyndham, and Matthew Hale (page images at HathiTrust) Jurisdictions: or, The lawful authority of Courts leet, Courts baron, Court of marshalseyes, Court of pypowder, and Ancient demesne. Together with the most necessary learning of tenures, and all their incidents of essoyns, imparlance, view; of all manner of pleadings, of contracts, of the nature of all sorts of actions, of maintenance; of divers other things, very profitable for all students of Innes of court and Chancery: and a most perfect directory for all stewards of any the said courts. Heretofore writ in French (Printed for M. VValbancke, and H. Twyford, and I. Place, 1656), by John Kitchin (page images at HathiTrust) A new book of declarations, pleadings, verdicts, judgments, and judicial writs; with the entries thereupon. Many of the same being upon new cases and statutes in the late reign. With various other useful and necessary entries (C. Harper, W. Freeman [etc.], 1703), by Henry Clift, Martin Browne Ffolkes, and Charles Ingleby (page images at HathiTrust) Thesaurus brevium. Or, A collection of approved forms of writs, and pleadings to those writs, and entries of those writs and pleadings: together with their special directions to all cities and boroughs. Also, an exact table of the writs and pleadings therein contained... Collected and published for the publick good, by J. C. (Printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft and M. Flesher, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, esquires, for T. Basset, R. Clavel, T. Dring, J. Robinson, A. Churchill, and S. Leigh, 1687) (page images at HathiTrust) An appeal to the electors of Ontario showing how the Ontario government, as constituted in '81, rewarded the transgressors of the law and punished a detective by legislating $12, 533.94 of his fees into their own pockets and into the pockets of other lawyers during the last 9 years (s.n., 1891), by Archibald McKellar (page images at HathiTrust) The record and writ practice of the Court of Chancery : comprising the several forms used in proceedings in the Record and Writ Clerks' Office, with practical directions and observations (V. & R. Stevens and G. S. Norton, 1858), by Thomas W. Braithwaite, Great Britain. Record and Writ Clerks' Office, and Great Britain. Court of Chancery (page images at HathiTrust) A practical treatise on the law relating to the office and duty of sheriff: comprising the whole of the duties, remuneration, and liabilities of sheriffs, in the execution and return of writs, and in the election of knights of the shire. (S. Sweet; [etc., etc.], 1827), by William Henry Watson (page images at HathiTrust) The writ of error coram nobis ([Philadelphia, 1929), by Abraham L. Freedman (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Writs -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Writs -- England The new Natura Bevium of the most Reverend Judge Anthony Fitz-Herbert : whereunto added, the authorities in law, and some other cases notes collected by the translator out of the year-books and abridgments : with a new and exact table of the most material things contained therein. (Printed by Eliz. Dutt and R. Gosling, 1718), by Anthony Fitzherbert (page images at HathiTrust) The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-herbert; corrected and revised. Where-unto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the yearbooks and abridgments. With a new and exact table. (Printed by G. Sawbridge, T. Roycroft, and W. Rawlins, assigns of R. Atkins and E. Atkins, 1677), by Anthony Fitzherbert (page images at HathiTrust) The new Natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-herbert; corrected and revised. With a perfect table of the most material things contained therein (Printed by John Streater, James Flesher, and Henry Twyford, assigns of Richard Atkins and Edward Atkins, 1666), by Anthony Fitzherbert, Randall Hatfield, William Hughes, and William Rastell (page images at HathiTrust) La novel Natura Breuium du Iudge tresreuerend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert dernierement reuieu & corrigee per L aucteur, auecques vn Table perfect, Des choses notables contenus en ycel, nouelment compose per Guilliaulme Rastall. (Printed for the Companie of Stationers, 1616), by Anthony Fitzherbert and William Rastell (page images at HathiTrust) La novel Natura brevium du iudge tresreverend monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierement revieu & corrigee per l̕avcteur: avecques un table perfect, des choses notables contenus en ycel, novelment compose (Printed by the assignes of Iohn More esquire, 1635), by Anthony Fitzherbert and William Rastell (page images at HathiTrust) The new Natura brevium, of the most reverend judge Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert (Printed for W. Lee, M. Walbanck, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, and are to bee sold at their shops, 1652), by Anthony Fitzherbert, B. Fernand, William Hughes, and William Rastell (page images at HathiTrust) The first part of a brief register, kalendar and survey of the several kinds, forms of all parliamentary vvrits comprising in 3. sections, all writs ... illustrated with choice, usefull annotations ... / by William Prynne ... (London : Printed for the author, and sold by Edward Thomas ... and Henry Brome ..., 1659), by William Prynne (HTML at EEBO TCP) An Exact book of entries, of the most select judiciall vvrits used in the common-law.: Translated from the originall manuscript, which was collected by the hands of that eminent clerk, Robert Moyle Esq; late one of the prothonotaries of the Court of Common-Bench. A work of much industry, as may appeare by the authors great paines in quoting of book-cases, opinions of judges, number rolls, and many other requisites, for the confirmation of every entry, whereof none have been ever published before. Printed now for the use and benefit of all, but aimed most especially for such as are most conversant in the common-law. By J.H. Gent. With a perfect table in which may be found the principall matters therein contained. (London : Printed for Robert Crofts at the Crown in Chancery-lane, under Sergeants-Inne, 1658), by J. H. and Robert Moyle (HTML at EEBO TCP) The new Returna brevium: or the law returned from Westminster and restored in brief to its native, antient, and proper habitation, language, power, puritie, integritie, cheapness, briefness, plainness. Rescued out of the sacrilegious hands, barbarous disguises, ænigmatical intricacies, lucrative constructions, extorted verdicts, fals judgments, & bribeful executions of her perjured impostors, fals interpreters, iailers, catchpols, attorneys, &c whereunto is added the Petition of Right, granted by Parliament in the 3 year of King Charls, and confirmed by this (although to bee found in larger volumes) for cheapness to the generalitie to inform themselvs what is their rights. Written by John Jones of the Neyath in com. Brecon Gent. (London : Printed by William Du-gard, anno Dom. 1650), by John Jones (HTML at EEBO TCP) Court leete et court baron. English (London : Printed by T: Roycroft, for M: Walbanke at Grays-Inne Gate, and H: Twyford, in Vine Court in the Middle Temple, 1651), by John Kitchin (HTML at EEBO TCP) The common law epitomiz'd with directions how to prosecute and defend personal actions, very useful for all lawyers, justices of peace, and gentlemen : to which is annexed the nature of a writ of error, and the general proceedings there upon : with a plain table for the easie finding out of every particular / by William Glisson and Anthony Gulston ... (London : Printed by the assigns of Rich, and Edw. Atkins for Hen. Brome and Tho. Basset ..., 1679), by William Glisson, Anthony Gulston, William Style, and Henry Applegarth (HTML at EEBO TCP) A treatise collected out of the statutes of this commonwealth, and according to common experience of the lawes, concerning the office and authorities of coroners and sherifes together with an easie and plaine method for the keeping of a court leet, court baron, and hundred court, &c. / by John Wilkinson of Bernards Inne, Gent. ; to which is added the returne of writts by John Kitchin Esq ; now all published in English. (London : Printed for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, R. Best, and G. Bedell ..., 1651), by John Wilkinson and John Kitchin (HTML at EEBO TCP) The course and practise of the Court of Common-pleas at Westminster heretofore written by Thomas Cory, Esq., late chief prothonotary thereof ; and now continued, and fitted to the practise used at this day, with additions by W.B., a clerk of the same court. (London : Printed by John Streater [and 4 others], MDCLXXII [1672]), by Thomas Cory (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Writs -- Great Britain Four thirteenth century law tracts; a thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate school of Yale university in candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy (New Haven, Yale university press; [etc., etc.], 1910), by George E. Woodbine and Ralph de Hengham (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) An exact book of entries, of the most select judicial writs used in the common-law. (Printed for R. Crofts, 1658), by Robert Moyle and J. H. Gent (page images at HathiTrust) Formulare instrumentorum: or, A formulary of authentic instruments, writs, and standing orders, used in the High courts of admiralty of Great Britain, of prize and instance. Perused and approved as correct (R. Bickerstaff, 1802), by James Marriott and Great Britain. High Court of Admiralty (page images at HathiTrust) Officina brevium. Select and approved forms of judicial writs, and other process: with their retorns and entries in the Court of common-pleas at Westminster. As also special pleadings to writs of scire facias (Printed by George Sawbridge, William Rawlins, and Samuel Roycroft, assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, for Thomas Basset, 1679), by Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas (page images at HathiTrust) Returna br¯m. ([London], 1519) (page images at HathiTrust) Registrum brevium tam originalium, quam judicialium : correctum & emendatum ad vetus exemplar manuscriptum, cujus beneficio, à multis erroribus purgatum, ad usus, quibus inservit redditur accommodatius. (Printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins, for Thomas Bassett, 1687), by Simon Theloall and Ralph de Hengham (page images at HathiTrust) Lilly's reports. (J. Hook and T. Woodward, 1719), by John Lilly (page images at HathiTrust) The law of errors and writs of errors : being a treatise wherein is contained the nature and end of the writ of error : the several sorts of writs of error : wherein and when a writ or error is a supersedeas, or not. (Printed by the assigns of R. and E. Atkins, for I. Cleave, 1703), by John Case Besson, Francis Arden, and John Anthon (page images at HathiTrust) Registrvm omnivm brevivm : tam originalium, quam judicialium (per assignationem Iohannis More armigeri, 1634), by Ralph de Hengham (page images at HathiTrust) Herein is conteined the booke called Nouae narrationes, the booke called Articuli ad Nouas narrationes, and the booke of diuersitees of courtes. (In aedibus Richardi Tottell, 1561), by Anthony Fitzherbert (page images at HathiTrust) The record and writ practice of the Court of Chancery : comprising the several forms used in proceedings in the Record and Writ Clerks' Office, with practical directions and observations (V. & R. Stevens and G. S. Norton, 1858), by Thomas W. Braithwaite, Great Britain. Record and Writ Clerks' Office, and Great Britain. Court of Chancery (page images at HathiTrust) The nature and practice of real actions, in their writs and process; both original and judicial; together with some records in the court before the justice of the county palatine of Chester; proving the antiquity of the jurisdiction of that court, and of some families. (W. Clarke and Sons, 1811), by George Booth and George Hill (page images at HathiTrust) Old tenures. ([S.l.] : Impressum per Richardum Pynson, [1496]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Old tenures. ([S.l.] : Johannes Rastell, [ca. 1523]) (HTML at EEBO TCP) Note, that whereas in the returne Quind. Pasce, the number 21 is twice set downe, ... ([S.l. : s.n., 15--?]), by George Alleyn and H. A. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Filed under: Writs -- Illinois Practical forms of writs, processes, &c., selected from the most approved precedents and adapted to the laws of the state of Illinois now in force : and with little variation, will apply to those of neighboring states and territories with explanatory notes and references, intended for the use of judges of probate, clerks of courts, sheriffs, coroners ... and which will be essentially useful to gentlemen of the bar and private citizens: together with a variety of useful precedents in conveyancing; such as deeds for land, deeds of trust, mortgages, leases, bills of sale, powers of attorney, &c., to which is added an appendix, comprising the duties of a justice of the peace, arising under the laws of the United States; the mining regulations; with forms of proceedings in cases of naturalization, military pensions, fugitives from justice, &c. (Printed and published by the author, 1830), by James Jones (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Writs -- Italy Del mandato penale o procedura per decreto. Osservazioni al capo I n. 7 dei principii adottati dalla Commissione ministeriale per la riforma del Codice di procedura penale ... (V.M. Briscioli, 1903), by Alessandro Fanchini and Italy. Commissione ministeriale per la riforma del Codice di procedura penale (page images at HathiTrust) Il termine a comparire nella citazione a persona che non ha domicilio, residenza o dimora conosciuta ... (Prem. stab. tipog. del commercio, 1903), by Francesco Santoro Faiella (page images at HathiTrust) Brevi osservazioni sugli articoli 141 e 144 C[odice] p[rocedura] c[ivile] ... (Virzì, 1885), by G. di Stefano Napolitani (page images at HathiTrust) Per l'avv. Guerrazzi contro Del Buono e Corriere Toscano. Impossibilità giuridica della presentazione della querela nel giudizio penale promosso dalla parte lesa con citazione diretta per reati di azione privata. (S. Belforte, 1897), by Angelo Muratori, Umberto Teghini, Gian Francesco Guerrazzi, Dario Cassuto, Pilade del Buono, Averardo Borsi, Andrea Barucci, and Corriere Toscano (page images at HathiTrust)
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