Wyandot IndiansSee also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
Broader terms:Narrower terms:Used for:- Guyandot Indians
- Huron Indians
- Wanat Indians
- Wandot Indians
- Weinondot Indians
- Wendat Indians
- Wundat Indians
- Wyandott Indians
- Wyandotte Indians
- Wyandot people
Filed under: Wyandot Indians Origin and Traditional History of the Wyandotts: and Sketches of Other Indian Tribes of North America, True Traditional Stories of Tecumseh and His League, in the Years 1811 and 1812 (Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1870), by Peter Dooyentate Clarke (multiple formats at archive.org) Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons (in French; Paris: D. Moreau, 1632), by Gabriel Sagard (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Canada) Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont Faicts pour la Conversion des Infidelles (in French; Paris: C. Sonnius, 1636), by Gabriel Sagard (HTML at Gutenberg Canada) Life Among the Indians: or, Personal Reminiscences and Historical Incidents Illustrative of Indian Life and Character (Cincinnati: Printed at the Methodist Book Concern for the Author, 1859), by James B. Finley, ed. by D. W. Clark (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Wyandot Indians -- AntiquitiesFiled under: Wyandot Indians -- FictionFiled under: Wyandot Indians -- History Upper Mississippi: or, Historical Sketches of the Moundbuilders, the Indian Tribes, and the Progress of Civilization in the North-West, From A. D. 1600 to the Present Time (Chicago: Clarke and Co.; New York: Oakley and Mason, 1867), by George Gale Filed under: Wyandot Indians -- Missions
Filed under: Wyandot Indians -- Missions -- Ohio The Missionary Pioneer, or A Brief Memoir of the Life, Labours, and Death of John Stewart, (Man of Colour,) Founder, under God of the Mission Among the Wyandotts at Upper Sandusky, Ohio (New York: Printed by J. C. Totten, 1827), by Joseph Mitchell Filed under: Wyandot Indians -- PoetryFiled under: Wyandot Indians -- Treaties Treaty Between the United States of America and the Senecas, Mixed Senecas and Shawnees, Quapaws, Confederated Peorias, Kaskaskias, Weas, and Piankeshaws, Ottowas of Blanchard's Fork and Roche de Boeuf, and Certain Wyandottes: Concluded February 23, 1867; Ratification Advised With Amendments, June 18, 1868; Amendments Accepted September 1, 7, 8, and 15, 1868. Proclaimed October 14, 1868 (1868), by United States (page images at HathiTrust)
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Oklahoma Claims of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of Indians in Oklahoma: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-Sixth Congress, First Session, on S.J. Res. 130, a Senate Joint Resolution Referring the Claims of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of Indians in Oklahoma to the Court of Claims for Finding of Fact and Report to Congress (Washington: GPO, 1939), by United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (page images at HathiTrust) A Tour on the Prairies (London: J. Murray, 1835), by Washington Irving (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Oklahoma -- Bibliography
Filed under: Indians of North America -- Oklahoma -- Languages -- WritingFiled under: Indians of North America -- Oklahoma -- Newspapers
Filed under: Cherokee Indians -- NewspapersFiled under: Indians of North America -- Oklahoma -- PeriodicalsFiled under: Cherokee Indians The Cherokee Perspective: Written by Eastern Cherokees (c1981), ed. by Laurence French and Jim Hornbuckle (PDF at appstate.edu) An Address to the Whites, Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, on the 26th of May, 1826, by Elias Boudinott, a Cherokee Indian (Philadelphia: Printed by W. F. Geddes, 1826), by Elias Boudinot The Cherokee Indians, With Special Reference to Their Relations With the United States Government (New York: The Grafton Press, c1907), by Thomas Valentine Parker To the Honourable the President and Members of the Senate of the State of Georgia, by Robert Campbell A Canoe Voyage Up the Minnay Sotor (2 volumes), by George William Featherstonhaugh Decorative Art and Basketry of the Cherokee (Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee v2 #2; 1920), by Frank G. Speck (bound with #3: page images at HathiTrust) Se-quo-yah, the American Cadmus and Modern Moses (Philadelphia: Office of the Indian Rights Association, 1885), by Geo. E. Foster (multiple formats at archive.org) Sketches of Some of the First Settlers of Upper Georgia, of the Cherokees, and the Author (New York and London: D. Appleton and Co., 1855), by George Rockingham Gilmer Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws (Philadelphia: Printed by James and Johnson, 1791), by William Bartram Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws (Dublin: For J. Moore et al., 1793), by William Bartram Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws (second edition in London, based on the 1791 Philadelphia edition; London: Reprinted for J. Johnson, 1794), by William Bartram
Filed under: Cherokee Indians -- Biography
Filed under: Cherokee Indians -- Fiction
Filed under: Cherokee Indians -- Folklore
Filed under: Cherokee Indians -- Government relations Letter from John Ross, The Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, to a Gentleman of Philadelphia (1838), by John Ross List of Cherokee General Fund Warrants Unpaid August 20, 1898, by Cherokee Nation Memorial of the Eastern Cherokees Submitting a Certain Proposed Amendment to the Indian Appropriation Bill (Washington: GPO, 1907), by Eastern Cherokees in the Indian Territory, contrib. by United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Reply of the Delegates of the Cherokee Nation to the Demands of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, May, 1866 (Washington: Gibson Bros., printers, 1866), by Cherokee Nation The Cherokee Question: Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the President of the United States, June 15, 1866 (Washington: GPO, 1866), by Dennis N. Cooley Memorial of the Delegates of the Cherokee Nation to the President of the United States, and the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress (Washington Chronicle Print, 1866), by Cherokee Nation Reply of the Delegates of the Cherokee Nation to the Pamphlet of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (Washington, 1866), by Cherokee Nation Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1863), by Confederate States of America Bureau of Indian Affairs Filed under: Seminole IndiansFiled under: Wea Indians
Filed under: Indians of North America -- OntarioMore items available under broader and related terms at left. |