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: "Pfalzburg -- History" to "Pfefferkorn, Johannes, 1469-1522 or 3" (Exclude extended shelves)
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- Pfalzburg -- History (subtopics)
- Pfalzburg -- History -- Siege, 1814 (subtopics)
- Pfalzburg -- History -- Siege, 1814 -- Fiction (1 title)
- Pfalzburg -- Siege, 1814 (subtopics)
- Pfalzburg -- Siege, 1814 -- Fiction (6 titles, plus subtopics)
- Pfander, C. G. (Carl Gottlieb), 1805-1865. Mīzān al-ḥaqq (1 title)
- Pfandrecht (1 title)
- Pfannschmidt, Karl Gottfried, 1819-1887 (1 title)
- Pfarre St. Augustin (Vienna, Austria) (2 titles)
- Pfarrei Rothenberg (subtopics)
- Pfarrei Rothenberg -- History (1 title)
- Pfarrkirche (Bolzano, Italy) (1 title)
- Pfarrkirche (Kefermarkt, Austria) (1 title)
- Pfau, George H., 1924- (1 title)
- Pfautz family: see Foote family
- Pfautz, John Michael, fl. 1709 (1 title)
- PFDs (Personal flotation devices): see Life preservers
- Pfeffel, Christian Friedrich, 1726-1807 (2 titles)
- Pfeffel, Gottlieb Konrad, 1736-1809 (6 titles)
- Pfeffer family: see Pfeiffer family
- Pfeffer, Johann, d. 1493. Tractatus de materiis diversis indulgentiarum (1 title)
- Pfefferkorn family (1 title)
- Pfefferkorn, Johann, b. 1469 (1 title)
- Pfefferkorn, Johannes, 1469-1522 or 1523 (1 title)
- Pfefferkorn, Johannes, 1469-1522 or 3 (1 title)
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