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: "Rāmakerti. Rāmāyana" to "Rāmānuja, 1017-1137" (Exclude extended shelves)
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- Rāmakerti. Rāmāyana (2 titles)
- Rāmakrishma, 1833-1886 (1 title)
- Ramakrishna, 1836-1886 (24 titles)
- Ramakrishna Pillai, K (1 title)
- Rāmakṛishṇa, son of Koneradeva. Saṃskāragaṇapati (1 title)
- Rāmakṛṣṇa, son of Koṇera (1 title)
- Ramaley, Francis, 1870-1942 (1 title)
- Ramalhão Palace (Sintra, Portugal): see Palacio Real do Ramalhão (Sintra, Portugal)
- Ramalho, João (1 title)
- Ramalinaceae (subtopics)
- Raman effect (17 titles, plus subtopics)
- Raman effect, Resonance (1 title)
- Raman scattering: see Raman effect
- Raman spectra: see Raman effect
- Raman spectroscopy (12 titles, plus subtopics)
- Raman spectroscopy -- Data processing (1 title)
- Ramana, Maharshi (2 titles)
- Rāmānandins: see Rāmānandīs
- Rāmānandīs (1 title)
- Rāmanāthapuram (India : District) (subtopics)
- Rāmanāthapuram (India : District) -- Population (subtopics)
- Rāmanāthapuram (India : District) -- Population -- Statistics (1 title)
- Rãmãni: see Aromanians
- Ramaniya (1 title)
- Rāmānuja, 1017-1137 (7 titles)
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