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: "Tar" to "Targeting of drugs" (Include extended shelves)
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- Tar (subtopics)
- Tar -- Health aspects (1 title)
- Tar sand: see Oil sands
- Tar -- Toxicology (1 title)
- Taracahitan Indians: see Cahita Indians
- Taranchi (Turkic people): see Uighur (Turkic people)
- Tarandus: see Reindeer or Caribou
- Tarawa, Battle of, 1943: see Tarawa, Battle of, Kiribati, 1943
- Tarawa, Battle of, Kiribati, 1943 (2 titles)
- Tarawera, Mount (N.Z.) (subtopics)
- Tarawera, Mount (N.Z.) -- Eruption, 1886 (1 title)
- Tarawera, Mountain (N.Z.): see Tarawera, Mount (N.Z.)
- Tarbell, Ida M. (Ida Minerva), 1857-1944 (1 title)
- Tarboro (N.C.) (subtopics)
- Tarboro (N.C.) -- History (2 titles)
- Tarboro (N.C.) -- Newspapers (2 titles)
- Targeted drug delivery: see Drug targeting
- Targeted killing (subtopics)
- Targeted killing (International law) (1 title)
- Targeted killing -- Law and legislation: see Targeted killing
- Targeted killing -- Moral and ethical aspects (1 title)
- Targeting (Nuclear strategy) (subtopics)
- Targeting in nuclear warfare: see Targeting (Nuclear strategy)
- Targeting, Nuclear: see Targeting (Nuclear strategy)
- Targeting of drugs: see Drug targeting
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