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: "Heyward, DuBose, 1885-1940 -- Knowledge" to "Hickok, Wild Bill, 1837-1876 -- Fiction" (Include extended shelves)
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- Heyward, DuBose, 1885-1940 -- Knowledge (subtopics)
- Heyward, DuBose, 1885-1940 -- Knowledge -- Folklore (1 title)
- Heywood, Henry, -1755 (1 title)
- Hezlewood family: see Hazelwood family
- HF radio: see Shortwave radio
- HGF (Growth factors): see Hematopoietic growth factors
- HGIS (Historical geographic information systems): see Historical geographic information systems
- H.H. Dashnakts'ut'iwn (1 title)
- H'hana language: see Central Pomo language
- Hi-fi systems: see High-fidelity sound systems
- Hiao language: see Yao language (Africa)
- Hiaque Indians: see Yaqui Indians
- Hiaqui Indians: see Yaqui Indians
- Hiatt family (1 title)
- Hiawatha, active 15th century (3 titles, plus subtopics)
- Hiawatha, active 15th century -- Juvenile literature (1 title)
- Hiawatha, active 15th century -- Poetry (2 titles)
- Hibakusha: see Atomic bomb victims
- Hibbert, Samuel, 1782-1848 (1 title)
- Hibernation (subtopics)
- Hibernation -- Physiological effect (1 title)
- Hickes, George, 1642-1715 (1 title)
- Hickman, William Adams, 1815-1883 (2 titles)
- Hickok, Wild Bill, 1837-1876 (6 titles, plus subtopics)
- Hickok, Wild Bill, 1837-1876 -- Fiction (3 titles)
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