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: "Albert, Lake (Congo and Uganda)" to "Albert, Prince Consort, consort de Victoria, reine de Grande-Bretagne, 1819-1861" (Exclude extended shelves)
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- Albert, Lake (Congo and Uganda) (9 titles)
- Albert, le Grand, saint, 1193?-1280 (1 title)
- Albert Lea (Minn.) (subtopics)
- Albert Lea (Minn.) -- Charters (1 title)
- Albert Lea (Minn.) -- City planning (1 title)
- Albert Lea (Minn.) -- Public schools (1 title)
- Albert Life Assurance Company (1 title)
- Albert Memorial (Edinburgh, Scotland) (1 title)
- Albert Memorial (London, England) (1 title)
- Albert Nyanza (7 titles, plus subtopics)
- Albert Nyanza (Congo and Uganda): see Albert, Lake (Congo and Uganda)
- Albert Nyanza, Lake (2 titles)
- Albert, Octavia V. Rogers (Octavia Victoria Rogers), 1853-approximately 1889 (2 titles)
- Albert, of Aachen, active 11th-12th century (1 title)
- Albert, of Brandenburg, Archbishop and Elector of Mainz, Cardinal, 1490-1545 (3 titles)
- Albert, of Brandenburg, Duke of Prussia (subtopics)
- Albert, of Brandenburg, Duke of Prussia -- Biography (1 title)
- Albert Ottinger (1 title)
- Albert, Parc national (Congo): see Parc national des Virunga (Congo)
- Albert, Paul, 1827-1880 (1 title)
- Albert Pick & Company (1 title, plus subtopics)
- Albert Pick & Company -- Catalogs (3 titles)
- Albert Pickens Co (subtopics)
- Albert Pickens Co -- Catalogs (1 title)
- Albert, Prince Consort, consort de Victoria, reine de Grande-Bretagne, 1819-1861 (5 titles, plus subtopics)
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