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: "B & D (Sexual behavior)" to "Babbitt (surname)" (Include extended shelves)
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- B & D (Sexual behavior): see Bondage (Sexual behavior)
- B-52 (Bomber): see B-52 bomber
- B-52 bomber (subtopics)
- B-52 bomber -- Research (subtopics)
- B-52 bomber -- Research -- History (1 title)
- B and B accommodations: see Bed and breakfast accommodations
- B and D (Sexual behavior): see Bondage (Sexual behavior)
- B-paper mortgage loans: see Subprime mortgage loans
- B/D (Sexual behavior): see Bondage (Sexual behavior)
- Ba Khin, U, 1889-1971 (2 titles)
- Baader, Franz von, 1765-1841 (1 title)
- Baader, Johannes, 1875-1955 (1 title)
- Ba'al Shem Tov, approximately 1700-1760 (subtopics)
- Ba'al Shem Tov, approximately 1700-1760 -- Legends (2 titles)
- Baʻale Miḳra: see Karaites
- Baʻalei Mikra: see Karaites
- Báb, 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi (1 title)
- Bab family: see Babbitt family
- Babb family: see Babbitt family
- Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871 (2 titles)
- Babbe family: see Babbitt family
- Babbet family: see Babbitt family
- Babbett family: see Babbitt family
- Babbit family: see Babbitt family
- Babbitt (surname): see Babbitt family
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