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: "Claudius, Emperor of Rome, 10 B.C.-54 A.D. -- Humor" to "Clay industries" (Include extended shelves)
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- Claudius, Emperor of Rome, 10 B.C.-54 A.D. -- Humor (3 titles)
- Clauses (subtopics)
- Clausewitz, Carl von, 1780-1831 (1 title, plus subtopics)
- Clausewitz, Carl von, 1780-1831 -- Influence (1 title)
- Clausewitz, Marie Sophie von Brühl von, 1779-1836 (1 title)
- Clausiliidae (1 title)
- Clausius virial theorem: see Virial theorem
- Clavell, James. Shōgun (1 title)
- Claverack (N.Y.) (1 title)
- Clavigeridae: see Pselaphidae
- Clawson, Ellen Spencer, 1832-1896 (subtopics)
- Clawson, Ellen Spencer, 1832-1896 -- Correspondence (1 title)
- Clawson, Rudger (subtopics)
- Clawson, Rudger -- Diaries (1 title)
- Clay (4 titles, plus subtopics)
- Clay, C. C. (Clement Claiborne), 1816-1882 (1 title)
- Clay City (Ky.) (subtopics)
- Clay City (Ky.) -- Newspapers (1 title)
- Clay-Clopton, Virginia, 1825-1915 (1 title)
- Clay -- Congresses (subtopics)
- Clay -- Environmental aspects (subtopics)
- Clay -- Environmental aspects -- Texas (subtopics)
- Clay -- Environmental aspects -- Texas -- Congresses (1 title)
- Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 (6 titles)
- Clay industries (1 title, plus subtopics)
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