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: "Magpies" to "Maguelonne (Diocese) -- History" (Exclude extended shelves)
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- Magpies (4 titles, plus subtopics)
- Magpies -- Control (1 title)
- Magpies -- Juvenile drama (1 title)
- Magpies -- Juvenile fiction (1 title)
- Magraith family: see McGrath family
- Magrane, Thais (1 title)
- Magrath (Famille) (1 title)
- Magrath family: see McGrath family
- Magrath, Myler, Abp. of Cashel, fl. 1577 (1 title)
- Magrath, William, d. 1833 (1 title)
- Magri, Francesco. Degenerazione considerata nella sue cause (1 title)
- Magri, Francesco. Nuova teoria generale della criminalità (2 titles)
- Magro, Francisco (1 title)
- Magruder, Carter B. (Carter Bowie) (1 title)
- Magruder, Henry C., d. 1865 (1 title)
- Magsaysay, Ramon, 1907-1957 (1 title)
- MAGTOP (Computer program) (2 titles)
- Magu, Point (Calif.): see Mugu, Point (Calif.)
- Maguaga, Battle of, Mich., 1812: see Monguagon, Battle of, Mich., 1812
- Maguases Indians: see Maue Indians
- Magude (Mozambique : District) (subtopics)
- Magude (Mozambique : District) -- History (1 title)
- Mague Indians: see Maue Indians
- Maguelonne (Diocese) (subtopics)
- Maguelonne (Diocese) -- History (1 title)
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