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: "Trois Glorieuses, France, 1830" to "Trombone" (Include extended shelves)
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- Trois Glorieuses, France, 1830: see France -- History -- July Revolution, 1830
- Troit︠s︡kiĭ, I. E. (Ivan Egorovich), 1832-1899 (1 title)
- Troja (Extinct city): see Troy (Extinct city)
- Trojan War (subtopics)
- Trojan War -- Drama (13 titles)
- Trojan War -- Early works to 1800 (7 titles)
- Trojan War -- Fiction (1 title)
- Trojan War -- Juvenile literature (2 titles)
- Trojan War -- Literature and the war (3 titles)
- Trojan War -- Poetry (20 titles)
- Trojans (subtopics)
- Trojans in literature (1 title)
- Troll (slang): see Online trolling
- Trolley car lines: see Street-railroads
- Trolling, Online: see Online trolling
- Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882 (1 title, plus subtopics)
- Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882 -- Criticism and interpretation (2 titles)
- Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Three clerks (1 title)
- Trollope, Frances Milton, 1780-1863 (2 titles)
- Trollops (Prostitutes): see Prostitutes
- Trolls (subtopics)
- Trolls -- Caricatures and cartoons (1 title)
- Trolls -- Juvenile fiction (1 title)
- Trombidiformes: see Acariformes
- Trombone (subtopics)
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