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: "Turbines -- Blades" to "Turkana (African people)" (Include extended shelves)
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- Turbines -- Blades (subtopics)
- Turbojet plane engines: see Airplanes -- Turbojet engines
- Turbojet transports: see Jet transports
- Turboprop transports (subtopics)
- Turbulence (subtopics)
- Turbulence -- Mathematical models (1 title)
- Turbulent flow: see Turbulence
- Turck family: see Turk family
- Turco-Balkan War, 1912-1913: see Balkan Peninsula -- History -- War of 1912-1913
- Turco-Egyptian Sudan: see Sudan -- History -- 1821-1881
- Turco-Greek War, 1897: see Greco-Turkish War, 1897
- Turco-Italian War, 1911-1912 (15 titles, plus subtopics)
- Turco-Italian War, 1911-1912 -- Juvenile fiction (1 title)
- Turco-Russian Wars, 1676-1878: see Russo-Turkish Wars, 1676-1878
- Turco-Tataric languages: see Turkic languages
- Turcomans: see Turkmen
- Turek family: see Turk family
- Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883 (1 title)
- Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques, baron de l'Aulne, 1727-1781 (1 title)
- Turing, Alan, 1912-1954 (subtopics)
- Turing, Alan, 1912-1954 -- Fiction (1 title)
- Turini, Andrea, 1473?-1543 (1 title)
- Turk family (1 title)
- Turk languages: see Turkic languages
- Turkana (African people) (subtopics)
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