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: "White Australia policy" to "White cedar, California" (Exclude extended shelves)
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- White Australia policy (2 titles)
- White authors (subtopics)
- White bait (Fish): see Atlantic silverside
- White bass (3 titles, plus subtopics)
- White bass -- Bull Shoals Lake (Ark. and Mo.) (1 title)
- White Bear Fire Department; McGrath, Jack; Junk, Bill; Parker, Lyle; King, Jim; Rief, Frank; Winship, Judge; Milner, Stan; Long, Philando; Holzheid, Gus; unidentified; Ivett, Daniel (1 title, plus subtopics)
- White Bear Gold Mining and Milling Company (1 title)
- White Bear Lake (Minn.) (1 title, plus subtopics)
- White, Benjamin, 1646?-1723. from old catalog (1 title)
- White-berry mistletoe, European: see European mistletoe
- White birch (Betula papyrifera): see Paper birch
- White birch (Betula pendula): see European white birch
- White birch, European: see European white birch
- White blister fungi: see Albuginaceae
- White blood cells: see Leucocytes
- White-boys (1 title)
- White bronze: see Nickel silver
- White butterfly: see Pieris rapae
- White Canyon (Utah) (2 titles)
- White Caps (Secret order) (2 titles)
- White Castle (1 title)
- White, Catharine Campbell, 1786-1867 (1 title)
- White, Catherine Payne, Mrs., -1903 (1 title)
- White cedar: see Atlantic white cedar
- White cedar, California: see Incense cedar
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