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Michigan Archaeologist (partial serial archives)
Michigan at Gettysburg, July lst, 2d and 3rd, 1863, June 12th, 1889: Proceedings Incident to the Dedication of the Michigan Monument Upon the Battlefield of Gettysburg, June 12th, 1889, Together With a Full Report of the Monument Commission, and a Detailed Statement of the Work Committed to and Performed by it, and the Proceedings at the Various Regimental Reunions (Detroit: Winn and Hammond, 1889) (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan: Being Condensed Popular Sketches of the Topography, Climate and Geology of the State (extracted from Walling's Atlas of Michigan; Claremont, NH: Claremont Mfg. Co., 1873), by Alexander Winchell
Michigan Biographies (2 volumes, 1924), by Michigan Historical Commission
The Michigan Business Farmer (partial serial archives)
Michigan Business Farming (partial serial archives)
Michigan Business Studies (partial serial archives)
Michigan Christian Advocate (partial serial archives)
The Michigan Daily (partial serial archives)
Michigan Family Field Trips: Fun Sites for Kids (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2008), by Ellyce Field (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Feminist Studies (and predecessor Occasional Papers in Women's Studies, 1974-2010) (partial serial archives)
Michigan Government in Brief (first edition; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1955), by Daniel S. McHargue (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan in the Novel, 1816-2006: An Annotated Bibliography (second edition, revised and enlarged; 2013), by Robert Beasecker (PDF at
Michigan in the Novel, 2007-2011: A Five-Year Checklist (2014), by Robert Beasecker (PDF at
Michigan in the Novel, 2012-2016: A Five-Year Checklist (2019), by Robert Beasecker (PDF at
Michigan Law Review (partial serial archives)
Michigan Log Marks: Their Function and Use During the Great Michigan Pine Harvest (East Lansing: Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, 1941), by Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Michigan, ed. by Clifford Allen (page images at HathiTrust)
Michigan Manual (partial serial archives)
The Michigan Mathematical Journal (partial serial archives)
Michigan on the March: The University of Michigan in World War II (Bentley Historical Library Bulletin #42; 1995), by Brian A. Williams
Michigan Quarterly Review (partial serial archives)
Michigan Slavic Materials (partial serial archives)
Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1863/4 (multiple formats with commentary at
Michigan Statistical Abstract (partial serial archives)
Michigan Trees: A Handbook of the Native and Most Important Introduced Species (reprint of revised edition; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1956), by Charles Herbert Otis, contrib. by George Plumer Burns (page images at HathiTrust)
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