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: "England's hero and Christian soldier. A biographical and historical sketch of the life of General C.G. Gordon ..." to "England's improvements justified; and the author thereof, Captain Y. vindicated from the scandals in a paper called a Coffee-house dialogue. With some animadversions upon his popish designs therein contained." (Exclude extended shelves)
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England's hero and Christian soldier. A biographical and historical sketch of the life of General C.G. Gordon ... (Ward, Lock, and Co., in the 1880s), by George Rose Emerson (page images at HathiTrust)
England's heroical epistles (At London : Printed by I[ames] R[oberts] for N. Ling, and are to be sold at his shop at the vvest doore of Poules, 1597), by Michael Drayton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's heroical epistles, written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's Epistles with annotations of the chronicle history / by Michael Drayton, Esq. (London : Printed for S. Smethwick ..., [1695?]), by Michael Drayton and Ovid (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's holy war; a study of English Liberal idealism during the great war (A. A. Knopf, 1928), by Irene Cooper Willis (page images at HathiTrust)
Englands honour, and Londons glory. With the manner of proclaiming Charles the second king of England, this eight of May 1660. by the honourable the two houses of Parliament, Lord Generall Monk, the lord mayor, alderman, and common councell of the city. The tune is, Vi vel a roy [sic]. (London, : Printed for William Gilbertson., [1660]), by I. W. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Englands hope, against Irish hate (At London : Printed by VV.VV. for Thomas Heyes, 1600), by J. G. E. (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's horses for peace and war : their origin, improvement and scarcity (Bemrose, 1874), by Vere D. Hunt and John A. Seaverns Equine Collection (Tufts University) (page images at HathiTrust)
Englands hvmble remonstrance to their King and to their Parliament shewing the cause of this bloudy and destructive warre by the King against his Parliament and people. (London : Printed for G.L., 1643) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's Ichabod, glory departed, discoursed by two Christian men, zealous for the glory of God, and true lovers of their nation: the one called Heraclitus junior, weeping for and lamenting the inevitable wo and desolation impending and approaching on his native country. And the other called Democritus natu minimus, laughing at the ignorance, blindness, madness, and inexorable stupidity of his own nation, overwhelmed in folly, sin, and wickedness, insensible of its own ruine and misery. Both of them paradoxically praising the Jesuites, and their spurious seed, for their policie, activitie, and dexteritie, in promoting their factions and projects. / By Heraclitus junior, and Democritus natu minimus, for Ri: Fosterschism. (London : Printed for Edw. Blackmore, 1650 [i.e. 1651]), by Heraclitus junior and Democritus natu minimus (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's ideal and other papers. (London, 1887), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
England's ideal, and other papers on social subjects (S. Sonnenschein;, 1906), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
England's ideal : and other papers on social subjects (S. Sonnenschein & co. lim.;, 1902), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
England's ideal, and other papers on social subjects (Swan Sonnenschein ;, 1992), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
England's ideal, and other papers on social subjects (S. Sonnenschein;, 1895), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
England's ideal and other papers on social subjects. (G. Allen & Unwin;, 1919), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
England's ideal : and other papers on social subjects (George Allen & Co. ;, 1913), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
England's ideal, and other papers on social subjects. (Swan Sonnenschen, Lowry & Co., 1887), by Edward Carpenter (page images at HathiTrust)
Englands Iliads in a nut-shell. Or, A briefe chronologie of the battails, sieges, conflicts, and other most remarkable passages from the beginning of this rebellion, to the 25. of March, 1645. (Oxford : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1645), by George Wharton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's imminent danger, and only remedy faithfully considered and represented / by an impartial hand. (London : Printed for Thomas Dring ..., 1671) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
Englands impenitencie under smiting, causing anger to continue, and the destroying hand of God to be stretched forth still.: Set out in a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at a publike fast, Sept. 25. 1644. By Nicolas Proffet, late rector of Peters in Marlebrough, now Minister of Edminton, and one of the Assembly of Divines. Published by Order from that House. (London : Printed by George Miller for Christopher Meredith at the Signe of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1645), by Nicolas Proffet (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's improvement by sea and land To out-do the Dutch without fighting, to pay debts without moneys, to set at work all the poor of England with the growth of our own lands. To prevent unnecessary suits in law; with the benefit of a voluntary register. Directions where vast quantities of timber are to be had for the building of ships; with the advantage of making the great rivers of England navigable. Rules to prevent fires in London, and other great cities; with directions how the several companies of handicraftsmen in London may always have cheap bread and drink. By Andrew Yarranton, Gent. (London : printed by R. Everingham for the Author, and are to be sold by T. Parkhurst at the Bible and three Crowns in Cheap-side, and N. Simmons at the Princes Arms in S. Paul's Church-yard, M DC LXXVII. [1677]), by Andrew Yarranton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's improvement by sea and land : to out-do the Dutch without fighting, to pay debts without moneys, to set at work all the poor of England with the growth of our own lands : to prevent unnecessary suits in law, with the benefit of a voluntary register : directions where vast quantities of timber are to be had for the building of ships, with the advantage of making the great rivers of England navigable : rules to prevent fires in London, and other great cities : with directions how the several companies of handicraftsmen in London may always have cheap bread and drink (Printed by R. Everingham for the author, and are to be sold by T. Parkhurst ... and N. Simmons ..., 1677), by Andrew Yarranton and Walter Kirkham Blount (page images at HathiTrust)
England's improvement reviv'd digested into six books / by Captain John Smith. (In the Savoy : Printed by Tho. Newcomb for the author, 1670), by John Smith (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's improvements in two parts : in the former is discoursed how the kingdom of England may be improved ... : in the latter is discoursed how the navigation of England may be increased and the soveraignty of the British seas more secured to the crown of England ... / by Roger Coke. (London : Printed by J.C. for Henry Brome ..., 1675), by Roger Coke (HTML at EEBO TCP)
England's improvements justified; and the author thereof, Captain Y. vindicated from the scandals in a paper called a Coffee-house dialogue. With some animadversions upon his popish designs therein contained. ([London : s.n., 1680]), by Andrew Yarranton (HTML at EEBO TCP)
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