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: "Irish Ideas" to "Irish Pictures Drawn With Pen and Pencil" (Include extended shelves)
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- Irish Ideas (1893), by William O'Brien (HTML at
- Irish Impressions (London et al: W. Collins Sons and Co., c1919), by G. K. Chesterton (multiple formats at
- Irish Impressions (second impresssion; London et al: W. Collins Sons and Co., 1920), by G. K. Chesterton
- Irish Impressions (New York: J. Lane Co., 1920), by G. K. Chesterton
- The Irish in America (1868), by John Francis Maguire (HTML at
- The Irish in America (New York and Montreal: D. and J. Sadlier and Co., 1868), by John Francis Maguire
- The Irish in Australia (1887), by James Francis Hogan (text at Gutenberg Australia)
- The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies (2006-) (full serial archives)
- Irish Journal of Medical Science (partial serial archives)
- The Irish Jurist (partial serial archives)
- The Irish Literary Revival: A Lecture Delivered At the Request of the Catholic Young Ladies' Literary Association, by Countess of Aberdeen (page images at
- Irish Local Names Explained, by P. W. Joyce (HTML with commentary at
- Irish Lyrical Poems (New York: P. M. Haverty, 1868), by Mary Jane O'Donovan Rossa (page images at HathiTrust)
- Irish Melodies (text and notes; no music), by Thomas Moore (HTML at
- Irish Melodies: The Original Airs Restored and Arranged for the Voice with Pianoforte Accompaniment (London and New York: Boosey and Co., c1895), by Thomas Moore, ed. by Charles Villiers Stanford (page images of music scores at
- The Irish Monthly (partial serial archives)
- Irish Nationality (1911), by Alice Stopford Green (HTML at
- Irish Nationality (Home University Library of Modern Knowledge #6; New Hork: H. Holt and Co.; London: Williams and Norgate, c1911), by Alice Stopford Green (Gutenberg text)
- The Irish Naturalist (full serial archives)
- The Irish Naturalists' Journal (partial serial archives)
- Irish Ned, the Winnipeg Newsy (Toronto: W. Briggs, 1910), by Samuel Fea (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- The Irish Peasant: A Sociological Study (London: S. Sonnenschein and Co., 1892), by A Guardian of the Poor (HTML at Wisconsin)
- The Irish Penny Journal (1840-1841) (full serial archives)
- The Irish Penny Magazine (partial serial archives)
- Irish Pictures Drawn With Pen and Pencil, by Richard Lovett (illustrated HTML at
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