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Little Miss Marigold (London: Hildesheimer and Faulkner, ca. 1888), by F. E. Weatherly, illust. by Jane M. Dealy (page images at Florida)
Little Miss Moth: The Story of Three Maidens, Charity, Hope, and Faith (London and Glasgow: Pickering and Inglis, n.d.), by Amy Le Feuvre (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Little Miss Muffet (New York: McLoughlin Bros., ca. 1902) (page images at
Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story (London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1887), by Mrs. Molesworth, illust. by Walter Crane
Little Miss Robinson Crusoe (London: C. A. Pearson, 1898), by Mrs. George Corbett, illust. by Kemp A. Tebby (page images at Florida)
The Little Moment of Happiness (New York: A.L. Burt Co., ca. 1919), by Clarence Budington Kelland
A Little More Freedom: African Americans Enter the Urban Midwest, 1860-1930 (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2008), by Jack S. Blocker (PDF at Ohio State)
A Little Mother to the Others, by L. T. Meade (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country: What the Children Saw and Heard There ("Booklovers edition"; New York: McKinlay, Stone and Mackenzie, ca. 1922), by Joel Chandler Harris, illust. by Oliver Herford (multiple formats at
Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country: What the Children Saw and Heard There (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1894), by Joel Chandler Harris, illust. by Oliver Herford (page images at
Little Nemo (selected strips, 1905-1914), by Winsor McCay (partial serial archives)
Little Nemo (piano-vocal score for a musical based on the comic strip; 1908), by Victor Herbert and Harry B. Smith, contrib. by Winsor McCay (page images at HathiTrust)
A Little Norsk: or, Ol' Pap's Flaxen (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1892), by Hamlin Garland (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
Little Novels, by Wilkie Collins
Little Novels of Sicily (translation of "Novelle Rusticane"; New York: T. Seltzer, 1925), by Giovanni Verga, trans. by D. H. Lawrence (HTML at Gutenberg Canada)
The Little Nugget, by P. G. Wodehouse (Gutenberg text)
The Little Old Man of Batignolles, and Other Stories (London: Vizetelly and Co., 1886), by Emile Gaboriau
The Little One (2 volumes; London: R. Bentley and Son, 1891), by Eleanor C. Price (page images at HathiTrust)
The Little Panjandrum's Dodo (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1899), by G. E. Farrow, illust. by Alan Wright (page images at Florida)
Little People (2010 edition), by Dan Kennedy (HTML with commentary at
Little People: A Father Reflects on His Daughter's Dwarfism and What it Means to be Different (Boston: Northeastern University, c2007), by Dan Kennedy (multiple formats at Northeastern)
Little Pierre (London and New York: J. Lane, 1920), by Anatole France, trans. by J. Lewis May (multiple formats at
The Little Pilgrim: Further Experiences, by Mrs. Oliphant (Gutenberg text)
A Little Pilgrim, in the Unseen (London and New York: MacMillan, 1899), by Mrs. Oliphant (Gutenberg text)
Little Pilgrimages Among the Men Who Have Written Famous Books (Boston: L. C. Page and Co., 1902), by E. F. Harkins
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