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: "A Modest Enquiry Into the Nature of Witchcraft" to "Moje Wspomnienia z Powstania 1863-1864 Roku" (Include extended shelves)
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- A Modest Enquiry Into the Nature of Witchcraft (Boston: Printed by B. Green and J. Allen, 1702), by John Hale (page images at Virginia)
- A Modest Proposal, by Jonathan Swift (Gutenberg text)
- Modeste Mignon, by Honoré de Balzac, trans. by Katharine Prescott Wormeley (Gutenberg text)
- Modus Operandi, or, The Automaton Chess-Player: A Play in Three Acts, With Prefatory Remarks, and Extracts From Original Letters on De Kempelin's Automaton Chess-Player, Published in 1784 (London: T. H. Lacy, 1866), by J. Walker, contrib. by Karl Gottlieb Windisch (page images at HathiTrust)
- Moebius Noodles (Cary, NC: Delta Stream Media, c2013), by Yelena McManaman and Maria Droujkova, illust. by Ever Salazar (PDF with commentary at
- Moederloos ("Motherless" translated into Dutch; Doetinchem: C. Misset, ca. 1896), by Fannie Eden
- Mogens, and Other Stories, by J. P. Jacobsen, trans. by Anna Grabow (Gutenberg text)
- The Moghul, by Thomas Hoover (Gutenberg multiple formats)
- Mogreb-el-Acksa: A Journey in Morocco (revised edition; London: Duckworth and Co., 1921), by R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Gutenberg text)
- Mohammed Ali and His House: An Historical Romance, by L. Mühlbach, trans. by Mrs. Chapman Coleman (Gutenberg text)
- Mohammed and Mohammedanism, Critically Considered (London: Rivingtons, 1889), by S. W. Koelle (page images at HathiTrust)
- Mohammed en de Joden te Medina (in Dutch; Leden: E. J. Brill, 1908), by A. J. Wensinck
- The Mohammedan Missionary Problem (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, c1879), by Henry Harris Jessup
- The Mohammedan World of To-Day: Being Papers Read at the First Missionary Conference on Behalf of the Mohammedan World Held at Cairo April 4th-9th, 1906 (New York et al: F. H. Revell Co., c1906), ed. by Samuel Marinus Zwemer, E. M. Wherry, and James L. Barton
- Mohammedanism: Lectures on Its Origin, Its Religious and Political Growth, and Its Present State (1916), by C. Snouck Hurgronje (Gutenberg text)
- Mohammedis Imposturae: That Is, A Discovery of the Manifold Forgeries, Falshoods, and Horrible Impieties of the Blasphemous Seducer Mohammed, With a Demonstration of the Insufficiencie of His Law, Contained in the Cursed Alkoran, Delivered in a Conference Had Betweene Two Mohametans, in Their Returne from Mecha (with "The Arabian Trudgman" and "Index Assuratarum Muhammedici Alkorani"; London: Imprinted by R. Field, 1615), ed. by William Bedwell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- Mohammed's Allah: Allah as Introduced by Mohammed (revised edition), by Ahmed Hulusi, trans. by Ahmed Baki (HTML at
- Mohan-Mala (A Gandhian Rosary), by Mahatma Gandhi, ed. by R. K. Prabhu (PDF at
- Mohave Culture Items (Museum of Northern Arizona bulletin #28; Flagstaff: Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art, 1955), by Leslie Spier (bound with bulletin #29; page images at HathiTrust)
- The Mohawk Valley, Its Legends and Its History, by William Max Reid (illustrated HTML at
- The Mohawks: A Satirical Poem With Notes (London: Printed for H. Colburn and Co., 1822), by Lady Morgan (frame-dependent HTML at
- The Mohawks: An Inquiry Into Their Origin, Migrations and Influence Upon the White Settlers (Utica, NY: Utica Herald Job Dept., 1898), by Samuel Ludlow Frey (multiple formats at
- Mohun; or, The Last Days of Lee and His Paladins: Final Memoirs of a Staff Officer Serving in Virginia, From the Mss. of Colonel Surry, of Eagle's Nest, by John Esten Cooke (Gutenberg text)
- Moina: A Detective Story (third edition; London et al.: Ward, Lock, and Co., 1891), by Lawrence L. Lynch
- Moje Wspomnienia z Powstania 1863-1864 Roku (in Polish; Lipsk: W. Drugulina, 1912), by Roman Dallmajer (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
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