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: "Rectal and Anal Surgery, With a Full Description of the Secret Methods of the Itinerant Specialists" to "Red Baiting: Enemy of Labor; With a Letter to Homer Martin by Earl Browder" (Include extended shelves)
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- Rectal and Anal Surgery, With a Full Description of the Secret Methods of the Itinerant Specialists (third edition; Chicago: W. T. Keener, 1892), by Edmund Andrews and Edward Wyllys Andrews (page images at Google; US access only)
- The Rector of Maliseet (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., c1925), by Leslie Reid (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Rector of St. Mark's, by Mary Jane Holmes (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- The Rectory Children (London and New York: Macmillan, 1897), by Mrs. Molesworth, illust. by Walter Crane (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
- Recueil d'Architecture Civile (architectural drawings from the vicinity of Paris, with some French text; Paris: Crapelet, 1812), by J. Ch. Krafft (page images at Wisconsin)
- Recueil de Pièces Relatives à la Fièvre Jaune d'Amérique: Envoyées par le Consul des États-Unis d'Amérique, à Marseille, au Gouvernement des États-Unis (in French and English; Marseille: J. Mossy, 1799), by Stephen Cathalan and Timothy Pickering (multiple formats at
- Recueil de Planches, sur les Sciences, les Arts Libéraux, et les Arts Méchaniques, Avec Leur Explication (plates volumes for Diderot's Encyclopédie; Paris: Briasson et al., 1762-1772), ed. by Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond d' Alembert, illust. by Bénard
- Recueil des Arrêts du Conseil d'État, by France Conseil d'État (partial serial archives)
- Recueil des Procédés Pratiques Usités en Horlogerie: Formant la Deuxième Partie du Guide-Manuel de l'Horloger (in French; Paris: Bureau de la Revue Chronométrique, 1874), by Claudius Saunier
- Recueil Spécial des Actes, Extraits d'Actes, Procès-Verbaux et Documents Relatifs aux Sociétés Commerciales (partial serial archives)
- Recursive Science Fiction (electronic edition; continuously updated), contrib. by Anthony R. Lewis and Barry N. Malzberg (HTML with commentary at
- The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, Written in French by Raoul Lefèvre, Translated and Printed by William Caxton (About A.D. 1474): The First English Printed Book, Now Faithfully Reproduced with a Critical Introduction, Index and Glassary and Eight Pages in Photographic Facsimile (2 volumes; London: D. Nutt, 1894), by Raoul Lefèvre, ed. by H. Oskar Sommer, trans. by William Caxton
- The Recuyles or Gaderige to Gyder of ye Hystoryes of Troye (London: Enprynted by W. de Worde, 1503), by Raoul Lefèvre, trans. by William Caxton (page images at
- The Red Acorn, by John McElroy (Gutenberg text)
- The Red Air Fighter (London: The "Aeroplane" and General Pub. Co., 1918), by Manfred Richthofen, ed. by C. G. Grey (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Red Alert (delisted 10 Oct 2017 due to disappearance of hosting site), by Peter George
- Red and Black Revolution: A Magazine of Libertarian Communism (partial serial archives)
- The Red and the Black, by Stendhal, trans. by Charles Tergie (HTML at
- The Red and the Black (1831; this English translation c1926), by Stendhal, trans. by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff (text at Gutenberg Australia)
- The Red and the Black: A Chronicle of 1830 (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co.; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1916), by Stendhal, trans. by Horace B. Samuel (multiple formats at
- The Red and White Diamond: Authorised History of the Twenty-Fourth Battalion A.I.F. (Melbourne: Pub. for the 24th Battalion Association by A. McCubbin, ca. 1920), by W. J. Harvey (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
- Red Assassins: A Factual Story Revealing How the Ukraine Lost its Freedom (Minneapolis: T. S. Denison and Co., c1959), by Todos' Os'machka (page images at HathiTrust)
- The Red Axe (1900), by S. R. Crockett (Gutenberg text)
- The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane (HTML at Virginia)
- Red Baiting: Enemy of Labor; With a Letter to Homer Martin by Earl Browder (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1937), by Louis F. Budenz, contrib. by Earl Browder (multiple formats at
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