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: "Detective Story Magazine" to "Detroit to Fort Sackville, 1778-1779: The Journal of Normand MacLeod" (Include extended shelves)
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Detective Story Magazine (partial serial archives)
Detectives of Europe and America: or, Life in the Secret Service (Hartford: J. B. Burr, 1879), ed. by George S. McWatters (page images at Lehigh)
Détente in Europe: The Soviet Union and the West Since 1953 (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1991), by John Van Oudenaren (page images at HathiTrust)
Detention Abuses Staining the New Libya (2011), by Amnesty International (PDF at
Determinants, by Laenas Gifford Weld (page images at Cornell)
The Determinants of Brazil's Recent Rapid Decline in Fertility, by Thomas William Merrick and Elza Berquo (page images with commentary at NAP)
Détermination des Invariants Ponctuels de l'Equation Differentielle Ordinaire du Second Ordre y'' = w(x,y,y') (in French, with some German front matter; Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1896), by Arthur Tresse (page images at HathiTrust)
Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position (NASA Technical Note D-233; 1960), by T. H. Skopinski and Katherine G. Johnson (page images at HathiTrust)
The Determination of Sag and Tension in Transmission Line Spans and an Estimate of the Cost of a Typical Transmission Line System (1914), by Kuo Tsun Long and Pao Ken Swan (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Determination of the First Landing Place of Juan Ponce de León on the North American Continent in the Year 1513 (1954), by Edward W. Lawson, contrib. by Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas (page images at HathiTrust)
Determination of the Presence of Endotoxin Within the Mineralized Tissues of Apical Root Dentin (University of Michigan masters thesis; 1993), by James Stevan Allen (page images at HathiTrust)
Deterrence and Defense in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment (1999), by Robert G. Joseph and John F. Reichart (page images at Google)
Deterrence and the Death Penalty (Washington: National Academies Press, c2012), by National Research Council Committee on Deterrence and the Death Penalty, ed. by Daniel Nagin and John Pepper (HTML with commentary at NAP)
Deterrence by Denial and Punishment (research monograph #1; Princeton: Woodrow Wilson school of Public and International Affairs, Center of International Studies, Princeton University, 1959), by Glenn H. Snyder (page images at HathiTrust)
Deterring Democracy (1992 edition; includes post-Gulf War afterword), by Noam Chomsky (HTML at
Deterring Discourse (1993), by Johanna Drucker (page images with commentary at
Dethroning Historical Reputations: Universities, Museums and the Commemoration of Benefactors (London: Institute of Historical Research, 2018), ed. by Jill Pellew and Lawrence Goldman (PDF with commentary at Humanities Digital Library)
Detour: An Extraordinary Tale (New York: The Macaulay Co., c1939), by Martin M. Goldsmith (page images at HathiTrust)
Detraction Displayed (New York: Orville A. Roorbach, 1828), by Amelia Opie (multiple formats at
Detroit and the Pleasure Resorts of Northern Michigan, by Detroit Lansing and Northern Railroad Company (multiple formats with commentary at
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle (full serial archives)
The Detroit Jewish News (partial serial archives)
Detroit on Stage: The Players Club, 1910-2005 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c2007), by Marijean Levering (multiple formats with commentary at Wayne State)
The Detroit Sunday Journal (newspaper published by striking workers from the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press; 1995-1999) (full serial archives)
Detroit to Fort Sackville, 1778-1779: The Journal of Normand MacLeod (Detroit: Pub. by Wayne State University Press for Friends of the Detroit Public Library, 1978), by Normand MacLeod, ed. by William A. Evans and Elizabeth Sherr Sklar, contrib. by Alice C. Dalligan (multiple formats with commentary at Wayne State)
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