Overview of Library of Congress Call Numbers
(You were browsing at "HB501 .B62" to HB501 .M5 .S4")
| - H: Social Sciences
- HA: Statistics
- HB-HJ: Economics and Business
- HB: Economic Theory and Demography
- HC: Economic History and Conditions
- HD: Industries, Land Use, Labor
- HE: Transportation and Communications
- HF: Commerce
- HG: Finance
- HJ: Public Finance
- HM: Sociology (General)
- HN: Social History, Problems, and Reform
- HQ: Family, Marriage, Sex and Gender
- HS: Societies and Clubs
- HT: Cities, Communities, Ethnicity
- HV: Social Service, Welfare, Criminology
- HX: Socialism, Communism, Utopias, Anarchism
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (onlinebooks@pobox.upenn.edu)
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