Title: | The legacy of Christopher Columbus : the historic litigations involving his discoveries, his will, his family, and his descendants ; Three centuries of disputes, lawsuits, struggles for rewards and inheritances, frauds by the Admiral of Aragon and others, spoliations by Sir Francis Drake and others, claims of illegitimates and black sheep, resulting from the discovery of America |
Author: | Schoenrich, Otto, 1876-1977 |
Author: | Arthur H. Clark Company |
Note: | Glendale 4, California :, Arthur H. Clark Company, 1949-1950, 1949 |
Link: | page images at HathiTrust |
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Subject: | Colombo family |
Subject: | Columbus, Christopher |
Subject: | Columbus, Christopher -- Estate |
Subject: | Columbus, Christopher -- Trials, litigation, etc. |
Subject: | Facsimiles |
Subject: | Genealogical tables |
Subject: | Printers' devices (Publishing) -- 1949 |
Subject: | Trials, litigation, etc. |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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