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A new and complete system of universal geography; describing Asia, Africa, Europe and America; with their subdivisions of republics, states, empires, and kingdoms; the extent, boundaries, and remarkable appearances of each country; cities, towns, and curiosities of nature and art, also giving a general account of the fossil and vegetable productions of the earth. The history of man, in all climates, regions, and conditions; customs, manners, laws, governments, and religions: the state of arts, sciences, commerce, manufactures, and knowledge. Sketches of the ancient and modern history of each nation and people to the present time. To which is added, a view of astronomy, as connected with geography; of the planetary system to which the earth belongs; and of the universe in general. Being a large and comprehensive abridgement of universal geography.

Title:A new and complete system of universal geography; describing Asia, Africa, Europe and America; with their subdivisions of republics, states, empires, and kingdoms; the extent, boundaries, and remarkable appearances of each country; cities, towns, and curiosities of nature and art, also giving a general account of the fossil and vegetable productions of the earth. The history of man, in all climates, regions, and conditions; customs, manners, laws, governments, and religions: the state of arts, sciences, commerce, manufactures, and knowledge. Sketches of the ancient and modern history of each nation and people to the present time. To which is added, a view of astronomy, as connected with geography; of the planetary system to which the earth belongs; and of the universe in general. Being a large and comprehensive abridgement of universal geography.
Note:Printed for, and sold by John Low, book-seller, at the Shakespeares head, no. 332 Waterstreet, 1798
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Subject:Genesee Region (N.Y.)
Subject:Geography -- Early works to 1800
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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