Title: | The history of Alexander the Great. |
Author: | Robinson, Charles Alexander, 1900-1965 |
Note: | Brown University, 1953 |
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Subject: | 359-323 B.C |
Subject: | Alexander (Makedonien, König, III.) |
Subject: | Alexander, the Great, 356 B.C.-323 B.C. |
Subject: | Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C |
Subject: | Alexandre, le Grand, 356-323 av. J.-C |
Subject: | Alexandre (roi de Macédoine -- 3) |
Subject: | Biography |
Subject: | Europe -- Macedonia |
Subject: | Greece |
Subject: | Greece -- History -- Macedonian Expansion, 359-323 B.C. |
Subject: | Greece -- History -- Macedonian Expansion, 359-323 B.C. -- Sources |
Subject: | Grèce antique |
Subject: | Grèce -- Histoire -- 359-323 av. J.-C. (Expansion de la Macédoine) |
Subject: | Histoire |
Subject: | History |
Subject: | Kings and rulers |
Subject: | Kings and rulers -- Greece -- Biography |
Subject: | Kings and rulers -- Macedonia -- Biography |
Subject: | Macédoine -- Histoire -- 336-323 av. J.-C. (Alexandre III) |
Subject: | Rois et souverains -- Grèce -- Biographies |
Subject: | Rois et souverains -- Macédoine -- Biographies |
Subject: | Sources |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |