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The works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, doctor in physick : Containing five books of the lives, heroick deeds, and sayings of Gargantua, and his sonne Pantagruel, together with the Pantagrueline prognostication, the Oracle of the divine Bacbuc, and response of the bottle. Hereunto are annexed the Navigations unto the Sounding isle, and the isle of the Apedefts: as likewise the Philosophical cream with a Limosin epistle all done by Mr. Francis Rabelais, in the French tongue, and now faithfully translated into English ...1653

Title:The works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, doctor in physick : Containing five books of the lives, heroick deeds, and sayings of Gargantua, and his sonne Pantagruel, together with the Pantagrueline prognostication, the Oracle of the divine Bacbuc, and response of the bottle. Hereunto are annexed the Navigations unto the Sounding isle, and the isle of the Apedefts: as likewise the Philosophical cream with a Limosin epistle all done by Mr. Francis Rabelais, in the French tongue, and now faithfully translated into English ...1653
Note:Priv. print. for the Navarre Society limited, 1921
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