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A catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters; in which is included a short biographical notice of the artists, with a copious description of their principal pictures; a statement of the prices at which such pictures have been sold at public sales on the continent and in England; a reference to the galleries and private collections, in which a large portion are at present; and the names of the artists by whom they have been engraved; to which is added, a brief notice of the scholars & imitators of the great masters of the above schools:

Title:A catalogue raisonné of the works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters; in which is included a short biographical notice of the artists, with a copious description of their principal pictures; a statement of the prices at which such pictures have been sold at public sales on the continent and in England; a reference to the galleries and private collections, in which a large portion are at present; and the names of the artists by whom they have been engraved; to which is added, a brief notice of the scholars & imitators of the great masters of the above schools:
Note:Smith and son, 1908
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Subject:Europe -- Flanders
Subject:Painters -- Flanders
Subject:Painters -- France
Subject:Painters -- Netherlands
Subject:Painting -- Catalogs
Subject:Painting -- Prices
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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