Title: | Speculum humanæ salvationis, being a reproduction of an Italian manuscript of the fourteenth century |
Author: | Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959 |
Author: | James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes), 1862-1936 |
Author: | Boxall, William, Sir, 1800-1879 |
Author: | Coleridge, John Duke Coleridge, Baron, 1820-1894 |
Author: | Riches, T. H. |
Author: | Hunterian Museum (University of Glasgow). Library |
Author: | Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal |
Author: | Bibliothèque nationale (France) |
Note: | Printed for private circulation at the University Press by J. Johnson, 1926 |
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Subject: | Enluminure -- Italie |
Subject: | Facsimiles |
Subject: | Illumination of books and manuscripts |
Subject: | Illumination of books and manuscripts -- Italy |
Subject: | Illumination of books and manuscripts -- Specimens |
Subject: | Italy |
Subject: | Manuscripts |
Subject: | Manuscripts -- Manuscripts -- Facsimiles |
Subject: | Manuscrits -- Manuscrits -- Fac-similés |
Subject: | Specimens |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |