Title: | To the working classes, whose comfortable circumstances, assured to them by their good morals, ..., on which rests securely the prosperity and well- being of every class of the community : on the natural law of wages |
Author: | Heyworth, Lawrence |
Note: | printed by J. Gadsby for the National Anti-Corn-Law League, 1841 |
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Link: | page images at HathiTrust |
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Subject: | Engeland; economie en economische politiek; buitenlandse handel; invoerrechten, uitvoerrechten en accijnzen; graan; Anti-graanwetten; Anti-Corn Law League |
Subject: | Engeland; economie en economische politiek; buitenlandse handel; vrijhandel en protectie; vrijhandel en sociale toestanden |
Subject: | Great Britain; economy and economic policy; foreign trade; free trade and protection; social problems |
Subject: | Great Britain; economy and economic policy; foreign trade; import and export duties, excise taxes; corn; Anti Corn Laws; Anti-Corn-Law League |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |