Title: | Raccolta di vari disegni d'architettura, 1796-1797. |
Author: | Honorati, Gaudenzio fl. 1790-1799 |
Author: | Stern, Giovanni, b. ca. 1734-d. after 1794 |
Author: | Sanmicheli, Michele |
Author: | Quarenghi, Giacomo, 1744-1817 |
Author: | Pompei, Alessandro, Conte, 1705-1772 |
Author: | Perrault, Claude, 1613-1688 |
Author: | Haggerston, Carnaby |
Note: | 1796 |
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Subject: | Albums -- Italy -- 18th century |
Subject: | Designs and plans -- Italy -- 18th century |
Subject: | Architecture, Domestic -- Italy -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Architecture -- Italy -- 18th century -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Architecture -- Study and teaching |
Subject: | Church buildings -- Italy -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Country homes -- Italy -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Honorati, Settimio |
Subject: | Measured drawings -- Italy -- 18th century |
Subject: | Neoclassicism (Architecture) -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Palaces -- France -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Public buildings -- Italy -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Theaters -- Italy -- Designs and plans |
Subject: | Triumphal arches -- Italy -- Florence -- Designs and plans |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |