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The revised school law, part II official regulations and nearly two hundred decisions of the superior courts : relating to school matters affecting township, county, city, town and incorparated village, municipal councils, school section boundaries, city, town and village public school boards, arbitrations and awards, public school inspectors, boards of examiners : also, the acts relating to Roman Catholic, Protestant and coloured separate schools with a copious analytical index to parts I. and II.

Title:The revised school law, part II official regulations and nearly two hundred decisions of the superior courts : relating to school matters affecting township, county, city, town and incorparated village, municipal councils, school section boundaries, city, town and village public school boards, arbitrations and awards, public school inspectors, boards of examiners : also, the acts relating to Roman Catholic, Protestant and coloured separate schools with a copious analytical index to parts I. and II.
Note:Copp, Clark, 1878
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Subject:Ecoles publiques -- Ontario
Subject:Ecoles séparées -- Ontario
Subject:Education and state -- Ontario
Subject:Education et État -- Ontario
Subject:Education -- Droit -- Ontario
Subject:Educational law and legislation -- Ontario
Subject:Public schools -- Ontario
Subject:Separate schools -- Ontario
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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