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The new topographical atlas of the province of Ontario, Canada compiled from the latest official and general maps and surveys, and corrected to date from the most reliable public and private sources of information : comprising an official railway, postal and distance map of the whole province and a correct and complete series of seperate county maps on a large scale showing lots and concessions, railways, post offices, opened and closed roads, churches, schoolhouses, main travelled roads, county statistics, division court boundaries, &c. : together with maps of the chief cities and county towns and a brief sketch of the history, and geology of the province, also a series of recently issued maps showing the whole Dominion of Canada and the United States.

Title:The new topographical atlas of the province of Ontario, Canada compiled from the latest official and general maps and surveys, and corrected to date from the most reliable public and private sources of information : comprising an official railway, postal and distance map of the whole province and a correct and complete series of seperate county maps on a large scale showing lots and concessions, railways, post offices, opened and closed roads, churches, schoolhouses, main travelled roads, county statistics, division court boundaries, &c. : together with maps of the chief cities and county towns and a brief sketch of the history, and geology of the province, also a series of recently issued maps showing the whole Dominion of Canada and the United States.
Note:Miles, 1879
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Subject:Canada -- Cartes
Subject:Canada -- Maps
Subject:Ontario -- Cartes
Subject:Ontario -- Maps
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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