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A history of American manufactures from 1608-1860 exhibiting the origin and growth of the principal mechanic arts and manufactures, from the earliest colonial period to the adoption of the constitution, and comprising annals of industry of the United States in machinery, manufactures and useful arts, with a notice of important inventions, tariffs and the results of each decennial census

Title:A history of American manufactures from 1608-1860 exhibiting the origin and growth of the principal mechanic arts and manufactures, from the earliest colonial period to the adoption of the constitution, and comprising annals of industry of the United States in machinery, manufactures and useful arts, with a notice of important inventions, tariffs and the results of each decennial census
Note:E. Young;, 1868
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Subject:United States -- Economic conditions -- To 1865
Subject:Industries -- United States -- History
Subject:États-Unis -- Conditions économiques -- Jusqu'à 1865
Subject:États-Unis -- Industrie -- Histoire
Subject:États-Unis -- Produits manufacturés -- Histoire
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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