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An authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in His Majesty's ships Resolution and Discovery during the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780 in search of a North-West passage between the continents of Asia and America : including a faithful account of all their discoveries, and the unfortunate death of Captain Cook : illustrated with a chart and a variety of cuts

Title:An authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in His Majesty's ships Resolution and Discovery during the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780 in search of a North-West passage between the continents of Asia and America : including a faithful account of all their discoveries, and the unfortunate death of Captain Cook : illustrated with a chart and a variety of cuts
Note:Printed for G. Robinson ... J. Sewell ... and J. Debrett ..., 1782
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Subject:Cook, James, 1728-1779
Subject:Discoveries (in geography)
Subject:Discovery (Navire)
Subject:Discovery (Ship)
Subject:Découvertes géographiques
Subject:Hawaii -- Description and travel
Subject:Hawaï -- Descriptions et voyages
Subject:Resolution (Ship)
Subject:Résolution (Navire)
Subject:Siberia (Russia) -- Description and travel
Subject:Sibérie -- Descriptions et voyages
Subject:Voyages around the world
Subject:Voyages autour du monde
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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