Title: | Tables donnant l'étendue et le progrès de divers travaux publics, les distances, etc., sur les principales routes de navigation, les chemins de fer, les lignes télégraphiques etc. navigation inté rieure du Canada, routes océaniques entre le Canada et les pays étrangers ... |
Author: | Baillairgé, G. F. (George Frederick), 1824-1909 |
Note: | s.n., 1886 |
Link: | page images at HathiTrust |
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Subject: | Communication and traffic -- Canada |
Subject: | Inland water transportation -- Canada |
Subject: | Railroads -- Canada |
Subject: | Transportation -- Politique gouvernementale |
Subject: | Transportation and state |
Subject: | Transports de navigation intérieure -- Canada |
Subject: | Transports et communications -- Canada |
Subject: | Transports ferroviaires -- Canada |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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