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Fox against Fox!!! Or, Political blossoms of the Right Hon. Charles James Fox: selected from his speeches in the House of commons, on the omnipotence of Parliament, in the appointment of the ministers of the crown. Contrasted with his present arguments in favour of prerogative. Shewing how easily a staunch Whig may become a professed Tory. To which are added, the speeches of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox, on Wednesday, December 10th, 1788, on the subject of a regency. Embellished with a curious fronticepiece adapted to the occasion; and a design for the revolution pillar at Runemede ...

Title:Fox against Fox!!! Or, Political blossoms of the Right Hon. Charles James Fox: selected from his speeches in the House of commons, on the omnipotence of Parliament, in the appointment of the ministers of the crown. Contrasted with his present arguments in favour of prerogative. Shewing how easily a staunch Whig may become a professed Tory. To which are added, the speeches of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Fox, on Wednesday, December 10th, 1788, on the subject of a regency. Embellished with a curious fronticepiece adapted to the occasion; and a design for the revolution pillar at Runemede ...
Note:J. Stockdale, 1788
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Subject:Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1760-1789
Subject:Great Britain. Parliament -- Jurisdiction
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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