Title: | Castelli e ponti di Maestro Niccola Zabaglia ... La descrizione del transporto dell'Obelisco Vaticano ... del cavaliere Domenico Fontana |
Alternate title: | Contignationes ac pontes Nicolai Zabaglia : una cum quibusdam ingeniosis praxis : ac descriptione translationis Obelisci Vaticani aliorumque per equitem Dominicum Fontana susceptae = Castelli, e ponti di Maestro Niccola Zabaglia : con alcune ingegnose practiche : e con la descrizione del trasporto dell'obelisco Vaticano e di altri del cavaliere Domenico Fontana. |
Author: | Zabaglia, Niccola, 1674-1750 |
Author: | Sangermano, Giacomo |
Author: | Vasi, Giuseppe, 1710-1782 |
Author: | Rostagni, Francesco |
Author: | Specchi, Alessandro, 1668-1729 |
Author: | Fontana, Carlo, 1634-1714 |
Author: | Fontana, Domenico, 1543-1607 |
Note: | Ex typographia Palladis, excudebant Nicolaus et Marcus Palearini ..., 1743 |
Link: | page images at HathiTrust |
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Subject: | Albertini, Pietro |
Subject: | Albertini, Tommaso |
Subject: | Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano |
Subject: | Construction workers |
Subject: | Construction workers -- Italy -- 16th century |
Subject: | Conveying machinery |
Subject: | Conveying machinery -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Early works |
Subject: | Hoisting machinery |
Subject: | Hoisting machinery -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Italy |
Subject: | Obelisks |
Subject: | Obelisks -- Vatican City |
Subject: | Scaffolding |
Subject: | Scaffolding -- Early works to 1800 |
Subject: | Vatican City |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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