Title: | Wahrhafste Vorstellung beyder Hoch-Gräfste Schlosser Weissenstein ob Pommersfeld und Geibach |
Alternate title: | Representation au naturel des chateaux de Weissenstein au dessus de Pommersfeld, et de celui de Geubach appartenants a la maison des comtes de Schönborn : avec les jardins, les ecuries, les menageries, et autres dependances ... |
Author: | Kleiner, Salomon, 1700-1761 |
Author: | Lichtensteger, Georg, 1700-1781 |
Author: | Pintz, Johann Georg, 1697-1767 or 1768 |
Author: | Steudlin, Johann Matthias, active 1717-1754 |
Author: | Heumann, Georg Daniel, 1691-1759 |
Author: | Corvinus, Johann August, 1682?-1738 |
Note: | Ieremie Wolff, 1728 |
Link: | page images at HathiTrust |
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Subject: | Castles -- Germany -- Pictorial works |
Subject: | Engraving -- Germany -- 18th century |
Subject: | Gardens -- Germany -- Pictorial works |
Subject: | Schloss Weissenstein (Pommersfelden, Germany) -- Pictorial works |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |
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