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Eighth report of the Committee of the House of Assembly on that part of the speech of His Excellency the governor in chief which relates to the settlement of the crown lands : with the minutes of evidence taken before the Committee.

Title:Eighth report of the Committee of the House of Assembly on that part of the speech of His Excellency the governor in chief which relates to the settlement of the crown lands : with the minutes of evidence taken before the Committee.
Note:Printed by Neilson & Cowan, no. 3, Mountain Street, 1824
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Subject:Colonisation intérieure -- Québec (Province)
Subject:Crown lands
Subject:Crown lands -- Québec (Province)
Subject:Domaine de la couronne -- Québec (Province)
Subject:Indians of North America
Subject:Indians of North America -- Québec (Province) -- Québec
Subject:Indiens d'Amérique -- Québec (Province) -- Québec
Subject:Land settlement
Subject:Land settlement -- Québec (Province)
Subject:Land tenure
Subject:Land tenure -- Québec (Province)
Subject:Public lands
Subject:Public lands -- Québec (Province)
Subject:Québec -- Québec
Subject:Terres publiques -- Québec (Province)
Subject:Wyandot Indians
Other copies:Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere.

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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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