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Great Galveston disaster, illustrated

Title:Great Galveston disaster, illustrated
Alternate title:The great Galveston disaster : containing a full and thrilling account of the most appalling calamity of modern times : including vivid descriptions of the hurricane and terrible rush of waters, immense destruction of dwellings, business houses, churches, and loss of thousands of human lives : thrilling tales of heroic deeds, panic-stricken multitudes and heart-rending scenes of agony, frantic efforts to escape a horrible fate, separation of loved ones, etc. : narrow escapes from the jaws of death, terrible sufferings of the survivors, vandals plundering bodies of the dead, wonderful exhibitions of popular sympathy, millions of dollars sent for the relief of the stricken sufferers
Note:American Publishing Co., 1900
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Subject:Floods -- Texas -- Galveston -- 19th century
Subject:Galveston (Tex.) -- Storm, 1900
Subject:Hurricanes -- Texas -- Galveston -- 19th century
Subject:Severe storms
Subject:Severe storms -- Texas -- Galveston -- 19th century
Subject:Texas -- Galveston
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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