Title: | Aus Karl Ludwig von Knebels Briefwechsel mit seiner Schwester Henriette (1774-1813) : ein Beitrag zur deutschen Hof- und Litteraturgeschichte |
Author: | Knebel, Karl Ludwig von, 1744-1834 |
Author: | Knebel, Magdalene Henriette von, 1755-1813 |
Author: | Düntzer, Heinrich, 1813-1901 |
Note: | F. Mauke, 1858 |
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Link: | page images at HathiTrust |
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Subject: | Allemagne -- Histoire -- 18e siècle -- Sources |
Subject: | Allemagne -- Mœurs et coutumes |
Subject: | Authors, German |
Subject: | Authors, German -- Correspondence |
Subject: | Écrivains allemands -- Correspondance |
Subject: | Germany |
Subject: | Germany -- History -- 18th century -- Sources |
Subject: | Germany -- Social life and customs |
Subject: | Geschichte 1700-1800 |
Subject: | History |
Subject: | Knebel, Karl Ludwig von, 1744-1838 -- Correspondence |
Subject: | Knebel, Magdalene Henriette von, 1755-1813 |
Subject: | Manners and customs |
Subject: | Personal correspondence |
Subject: | Quelle |
Subject: | Sources |
Other copies: | Look for editions of this book at your library, or elsewhere. |