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Miscellanea. The first part. Containing: I. A survey of the constitutions and interests of the empire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France and Flanders; with their relation to England, in the year 1671. II. An essay upon the original and nature of government. III. An essay upon the advancement of trade in Ireland. IV. Upon the conjuncture of affairs in October 1673. V. Upon the excesses of grief. IV. An essay upon the cure of the govt by moxa.

Title:Miscellanea. The first part. Containing: I. A survey of the constitutions and interests of the empire, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Holland, France and Flanders; with their relation to England, in the year 1671. II. An essay upon the original and nature of government. III. An essay upon the advancement of trade in Ireland. IV. Upon the conjuncture of affairs in October 1673. V. Upon the excesses of grief. IV. An essay upon the cure of the govt by moxa.
Note:Printed for J. Tonson [etc.], 1705
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Subject:Social sciences
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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