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A relic of the Revolution, containing a full and particular account of the sufferings and privations of all the American prisoners captured on the high seas, and carried into Plymouth, England, during the Revolution of 1776; with the names of the vessels taken--the names and residence of the several crews, and time of their commitment--the names of such as died in prison, and such as made their escape, or entered on board English men-of-war; until the exchange of prisoners, March 15, 1779. Also, an account of the several cruises of the squadron under the command of Commodore John Paul Jones, prizes taken, etc., etc.

Title:A relic of the Revolution, containing a full and particular account of the sufferings and privations of all the American prisoners captured on the high seas, and carried into Plymouth, England, during the Revolution of 1776; with the names of the vessels taken--the names and residence of the several crews, and time of their commitment--the names of such as died in prison, and such as made their escape, or entered on board English men-of-war; until the exchange of prisoners, March 15, 1779. Also, an account of the several cruises of the squadron under the command of Commodore John Paul Jones, prizes taken, etc., etc.
Note:Pub. for the proprietor, by C. H. Pierce, 1847
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Subject:Herbert, Charles, 1757-1808
Subject:Personal narratives
Subject:Sailors -- United States -- Biography
Subject:United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Naval operations
Subject:United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Prisoners and prisons
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