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Alternate title:The economist and general adviser, : containing important papers on the following subjects: The markets. Marketing. Drunkenness. Gardening. Cookery. Travelling. Housekeeping. Management of income. Distilling. Baking. Brewing. Agriculture. Public abuses. Shops and shopping. House taking. Benefit societies. Annals of gulling. Amusements. Useful receipts. Domestic medicine. &c. &c. &c.
Note:Printed for Knight and Lacey, 55, Paternoster-Row; and, 1824
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Subject:Agriculture -- 19th century
Subject:Alcoholism -- Great Britain
Subject:Fraud -- Great Britain
Subject:Gardening -- 19th century
Subject:Great Britain -- Economic conditions -- 19th century
Subject:Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 19th century
Subject:Home economics -- Periodicals
Subject:Landlord and tenant -- Great Britain
Subject:Medicine -- 19th century
Subject:Newspapers -- Sections, columns, etc -- Specimens
Subject:Periodicals -- 19th century
Subject:Woodcuts -- 19th century -- England
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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
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